Prostitution, sometimes referred to as the world’s oldest profession, is defined as “the act or practice of engaging in sexual activity for money.” It has been a prevalent problem in urban areas, at truck stops, and now, thanks to smartphones and the internet, every conceivable dark corner. Scripture tells us that prostitution is immoral. Proverbs 23:27-28 says,
For a prostitute is a deep pit; an adulteress is a narrow well.
She lies in wait like a robber and increases the traitors among mankind.
Evidently, that warning is of no concern to activists with Equality Illinois, Planned Parenthood, and Illinois State Senators Celina Villanueva (D-Chicago), Adriane Johnson (D-Waukegan), and State Representative Edgar Gonzalez (D-Chicago). They were among those who held a press conference earlier this week to announce their intention to launch a campaign to legalize prostitution in Illinois.
Ironically, proponents highlighted how “partial” decriminalization measures don’t keep prostitutes safe — yet they completely ignored the public health risks of sexually transmitted infections. Having sex with many different partners greatly increases the risk of passing along scary diseases. As if we don’t have enough problems with trichomoniasis, herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, or chlamydia?
Moreover, for two years in a row now, public health officials have been issuing warnings about monkeypox, a sexually transmitted virus that is predominantly spread among gay and bisexual men. And what about HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B, and HPV? Will legal prostitution exacerbate these health concerns?
Decriminalizing the sex industry and/or legalizing “sex work” will eradicate social and ethical barriers to sexual immorality. Many people who would not have risked purchasing sex in the past may come to see prostitution as morally permissible. Prostitutes will then become nothing more than sexual commodities to be used, abused, and discarded.
Prostitution not only perverts our view of God’s gift of human sexuality (which is intended for marriage), but it is antithetical to God’s command to love one another and consider others more important than yourself (Matthew 22:36-40; Philippians 2:3). In fact, this will lead to more family dysfunction and breakdown, and a greater reliance on Big Government.
The wisdom and instruction available to us from the Word of God is inexhaustible. It would be wise if we heeded straightforward imperatives that instruct us to:
Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body,
but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body.
– I Corinthians 6:18
It is simple: “flee sexual immorality.” Yet some of our state lawmakers are running toward it. The policies they want to set will ensnare, infect, and disable many of our neighbors. Left-wing activists think they know better… but they are foolish.