Gambling Action Alert
Gambling Action Alert
Written By   |   03.24.14
Reading Time: < 1 minute

This week, State Representative Robert Rita (D-Blue Island) introduced two amendments to SB 1739 that would expand gambling in Illinois. 

SB 1739 Amendment 3Chicago Casino–A private manager would be hired to run the Chicago casino on behalf of the state.  The city of Chicago would select the site and acquire land by eminent domain or by condemnation, and $900 million would be used for the acquisition, development, construction, and land for the mega-casino. The casino would have between 4,000-10,000 gambling positions. Existing casinos have 1,200 positions.

Revenue for the city would be used for capital expenditures, public pensions, and/or educational purposes. Cook County and the south suburbs would receive part of the revenue for capital expenditures or public pensions, and part of the revenue is designated for grants to school districts and for capital construction. 

SB 1739 Amendment 4Land-based casinos authorized in the city of Chicago, Vermillion County, Lake County, Winnebago County, and in one of the townships in Cook County. The Chicago casino would have 4,000 to 6,000 gambling positions. The Gaming Board cannot suspend, revoke, or restrict a license for the Chicago casino.

Electronic gambling at 5 racetracks 7 days a week, with 600 gambling positions for racetracks in Cook County, 450 gambling positions for tracks in Will County, and 175 positions for the Rock Island County track (This will increase to 450 positions when live racing is conducted). Fairmount Racetrack is excluded from having slots. Slot machines that simulate table games would be legalized at racetracks. 

The Illinois Gaming Board is required to submit a report to the General Assembly regarding the feasibility of conducting electronic gambling at the state fairgrounds in Springfield.  

TAKE ACTION: Click HERE to contact your state representative and state senator and tell them that we do not need more gambling in Illinois.

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