Fantasy Sports Gambling Will Become Legal if Illinois Lawmakers Have Their Way
Fantasy Sports Gambling Will Become Legal if Illinois Lawmakers Have Their Way
Written By Kathy Valente   |   05.02.16
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Attorneys General in 11 states, including Illinois, have said that Daily Fantasy Sports is illegal gambling.  With HB 4323, it will become legal.

HB 4323 would be a massive expansion of gambling into every home, dorm room and office. Under HB 4323, fantasy sports gambling would be easy from a smart phone, computer or any electronic device from home, an office, or dorm room 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

According to a article, underage gambling is of great concern, as sports gambling apps target users as young as 13. Then consider that research shows that the earlier people begin to gamble, the more likely they are to become addicted. This may be a corrupting combination for a good many young people. And while HB 4323 prohibits Fantasy Sports companies from advertising on school, college, or university campuses, children and college students can easily obtain access to the ads from their smart phones, computers, tablets or television sets.

Illinois State Representative Ron Sandack recently wrote in an op-ed in opposition to HB 4323, “Contrary to their propaganda, the fantasy sports industry does not have a record of trustworthiness and does not have the best interests of Illinois families at heart.”

The fact that the gambling industry is actively opposing this legislation is a clear indication that they see the “fantasy sports” industry as competition and a threat to existing gambling outlets.

Lawmakers need to hear from you!

Take ACTION: Click HERE to send your state representative an email or fax urging him/her to vote NO on HB 4323 and to stop expanding gambling which only increases divorce, suicide, bankruptcy, poverty, crime, embezzlement, and exploitation of the poor.

You can also call via the Capitol switchboard, by calling (217) 782-2000. If you don’t know who your state representative is, CLICK HERE. He/she will be the last one listed under ‘Your State Officials.’ Click on their name for their contact information.

“[Gambling] has more of a history of
corruption than any other industry.”

~Former Illinois U.S. Senator Paul Simon

Kathy Valente
Kathy joined the IFI team as our Director of Operations in 2008. Previously, Kathy was the state director for Concerned Women for America for 4 years. But even before that, Kathy and Dave worked together as volunteer activists battling pornography and obscenity in the public square. Kathy has consistently taken a stand for traditional Judeo-Christian values and has worked tirelessly to foster a wholesome environment for family living, advocating for high community standards. Kathy recognizes that sexual immorality, pornography, obscenity, promiscuity, state sanctioned abortion and gambling threaten the moral fabric of our society. The well being of our communities, the...
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