Earlier this week, the GOP Platform Committee voted to adopt a new platform that removed the provision calling for a national ban on abortion, suggesting the issue should instead be handled by the states. This abandonment of the GOP’s long-held pro-life position has been met with fierce opposition from some organizations as well as delegates on the committee who felt their voices were silenced during the unconventional proceedings.
Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins, a member of the RNC Platform Committee, said this in a statement:
The 2024 platform is a concise statement of campaign priorities, but not a declaration of enduring principles for a pollical party. Unfortunately, the choreographed process – which allowed no amendments to be discussed or voted upon – was unbecoming of a party that champions free speech and due process.
You can read the full statement HERE. Perkins ends his statement saying:
The right to life transcends other political debates and the interests of any and all political parties and candidates. It is truly the right without which no other right has any meaning…
Perkins was one of the 20 delegates who took part in submitting a minority report vocalizing their displeasure with the platform committee’s proceedings. We agree with Perkins, who emphatically declares: “I cannot compromise biblical truth to advance a temporal political objective. I won’t do it.”
Click HERE to read more about the fight for the sanctity of human life and add your name to a petition in support of the minority report.
Read more:
Ambushed by Sneaky RNC Leadership, Perkins Fires Back Over Weakened Pro-Life Stance
If Republicans Stop Fighting for Life at the Federal Level, then Dobbs Changed ‘Nothing’
(The Washington Stand)
Pro-Life Leaders Offer Mixed Reactions to New GOP Platform on Abortion, IVF, and More
GOP Committee Votes to Approve Trump Platform’s Softened Stances on Life, Marriage
Downgrading the Right to Life