Despite having eliminated all legal restrictions on abortion in Illinois, we have good reasons to believe that Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion organizations are planning to pass an abortion amendment to the Illinois Constitution over the next several months in Springfield. If they do, this amendment would then come before Illinois voters for approval on Election Day this November.
This seems to be the strategy in many states. According to an article in LifeNews.com, Left-wing activists are working to put the question of abortion as a “constitutional right” on the ballot in eleven other states. In New York state, they are seeking to enshrine extremist policies on abortion, sexuality, and gender confusion within the New York State Constitution. According to New York Governor Kathy Hochul,
“We need to make sure that no future governors, no future legislators can ever strip away these rights that we have here…”
The New York Post reported that one purpose of adding abortion to the ballot is to help Democratic politicians win re-election this fall. Democratic consultant Hank Sheinkopf, is quoted saying that abortion
“‘is the club. Abortion is the issue that gives Democrats the edge where they have no other edge — they lose it on the border crisis, they lose it on crime, and they even lose it on the economy.’”
New York State Senator George Borrello, agreed, saying “Democrats “have a horrible record to run on. The quality of life has declined. New York is overrun with migrants. Abortion is the dog whistle issue. New York already has the broadest abortion law in the country.’”
Will Illinois Christians show up at the ballot box this year for both the Primary election and General Election? Will Illinois Christians choose to be the salt and light we are called to be? If we don’t, humanists, atheists and Apostles of Wokeism will be emboldened and empowered to continue advancing wicked legislation and ideology.
“Now is the time not for us to shrink back and think that this is over,
but to re-engineer and to re-imagine what it looks like,
to keep that same energy and take it up a notch,
because quite honestly, even though Roe was overturned,
there are still women who feel like abortion is a necessary
and needed option for them.”
~Benjamin Watson~