U.S. Senate to Begin Hearings on Elena Kagan
U.S. Senate to Begin Hearings on Elena Kagan
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Federal Issue

U.S. Senate hearings on President Barack Obama’s choice of Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court are scheduled to begin next Monday. It is clear that Kagan is hostile towards traditional family values, the military and the original intent of the U.S. Constitution. As such, she should not be confirmed to sit on the nation’s highest court.

Judge Robert Bork, William Saunders and Professor Gerard Bradley urged the U.S. Senate to reject her confirmation to the high court because of the radical political positions she has taken in her career and because of the people she has extolled as her heroes — Aharon Barak, the retired president of the Supreme Court of Israel.

“He is the judge who has best advanced democracy, human rights, the rule of law and justice,” stated Kagan in September 2006 introductory remarks at a Harvard University award ceremony.

Barak has been recognized across the political spectrum as one of the most liberal activist judges.

Unfortunately, this may be an indication of how she plans to operate as a U.S. Supreme Court Justice, adjudicating abstract concepts and values, instead of using the U.S. Constitution as the ultimate standard to consider the validity of the laws passed by legislatures or legal referendums passed directly by the people (California’s Prop. 8 for example).

According to an Associated Press report, Robert Bork said Kagan’s admiration for the liberal Barak disqualifies her to serve on the nation’s highest court.

Barak “may be the worst judge on the planet — the most activist,” said Bork. “If people understood that an American Supreme Court nominee was going to follow the example of Barak, there would be grave misgivings and probably a refusal to confirm.”

Read more on Kagan from our friends at Family Research Council HERE.

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