Time to Fervently Seek God
Time to Fervently Seek God
Written By David E. Smith   |   09.17.20
Reading Time: 5 minutes

King Jehoshaphat was the ruler of Judah for 25 years from 873 to 848 BC. He had his good and bad moments as a leader, but ultimately, his desire was to honor the Lord, despite his spiritual fumbles during his reign. According to 2 Chronicles 20, the Moabites, Ammonites, and Meunites gathered to attack Jehoshaphat and his kingdom.

How would he respond to these enemy forces coming against him?  His response is found in 2 Chronicles 20, verses 3 and 4:

“Then Jehoshaphat was afraid and set his face to seek the Lord, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah.  And Judah assembled to seek help from the Lord; from all the cities of Judah they came to seek the Lord.”

He sought the Lord and made a proclamation in his kingdom that everyone should fast and seek the Lord.  Yes, the King feared the great multitude coming against him, but he was more in awe at the power and majesty of God than at the calamitous force of his enemies.

Friend, our enemies are coming into our nation and stepping on our morals and our Constitution and are changing the very DNA of our nation.  It’s time to seek God and plead with Him on behalf of our great country. Imagine how God would move if millions of Christians would fervently pray toward this end everyday through November 3rd?

The great preacher of yesteryear, Charles Spurgeon, once said,

“Prayer pulls the rope below and the great bell rings above in the ears of God. Some scarcely stir the bell, for they pray so languidly. Others give but an occasional pluck at the rope. But he who wins with heaven is the man who grasps the rope boldly and pulls continuously, with all his might.”

Friend, we’re just a handful of weeks away from one of the most important elections in the history of our country.  It’s time to ring the bell of prayer so loudly that every single Seraphim and Cherubim hears us cry out to our Heavenly Father. It’s time to groan, weep and intercede for this great land.

Here are some prayer points to pray through as we fervently seek God’s mercy for the days ahead:

Please Pray:

  • FOR THE UPCOMING ELECTIONS: We must pray for God’s mercy on our state and nation. While our culture ignores God’s commands, the faithful prayers of the righteous can move God to (once again) extend His mercy to us. Pray that Christians throughout the state and nation will not only be convicted to pray, but also to cast their votes for pro-life/pro-family candidates for local, state and federal offices.
  • FOR UNREST ON OUR STREETS: Every week we hear about gang violence in our urban areas. This summer in Chicago, it has been common to hear of 40 to 50 people shot and a dozen killed. The epidemic of fatherlessness is a major factor in the formation of gangs and their illegal activities, including turf wars. Pray that godly men in these communities would step up to mentor and disciple fatherless youth before the gangs get a chance to recruit them.
  • FOR THE CHURCH: Pray that Church leaders will be diligent about leading prayers in their congregation for our nation and the upcoming elections. Pray that Church leaders would better understand how to heed His call to be salt and light to a lost world during this election cycle and beyond. Ask that He will embolden pastors and entire churches to reach out to the surrounding community, shining bright lights within the darkness.
  • FOR JUDGES AND THE COURTS: Pray that they will seek the wisdom that comes from above rather than any personal or political agendas.

Pray for Families:

  • STUDENT WELFARE: Please pray for parents who have to their children in government schools and have to contend for their children’s safety in locker rooms and bathrooms at school. Whether in-person or online, Illinois schools are continuing to make decisions about transgender-themed school policies, so pray that God would keep parents vigilant amidst the chaos and embolden them to speak up against policies that will have a negative impact on their children. Please also continue to pray for students struggling with gender identity issues, asking God to place godly people in their lives who will both share and live out His redemptive truth and love with them.
  • GRANDPARENTS: That God would inspire and encourage grandparents to be the mortar in the bricks of their children’s families, filling in gaps and helping to cement bricks together. Pray that God would give them a vision for their role in the training of their grandchildren and wisdom on how to instill a Biblical worldview.
  • FAMILIES AS SALT AND LIGHT: Pray that God would use your family to spread the truth and light of the Gospel.

Pray for the Sanctity of Life:

  • ABORTION: That God would have mercy on those who are considering abortion. Pray that He would convict the hearts of mothers to choose life for their babies. Pray that God would provide a strong and visible support system for these women.
  • PRC’s: Lift up all pregnancy resource centers and those diligently reaching out to vulnerable mothers who feel as if abortion is their only option. Please also ask that God would put into place legislators who value the sanctity of life and will work to pass laws that help protect the life of the unborn.
  • 40 DAYS FOR LIFE: Pray for the success of 40 Days for Life which starts on September 23rd. Pray that Christians throughout the state of Illinois would be stirred and commit to taking a one hour a week shift (for 6 weeks) in silent peaceful prayer against the wickedness of abortion. The prophets made it very clear what happens when the unborn are not protected:

    Because they have forsaken Me and have made this an alien place and have burned sacrifices in it to other gods, that neither they nor their forefathers nor the kings of Judah had ever known, and because they have filled this place with the blood of the innocent … I will cause them to fall by the sword before their enemies and by the hand of those who seek their life. (Jeremiah. 19:4-7)

Pray for the Government:

  • CORRUPTION: Pray that the federal government’s investigation into political corruption at various levels of government in Illinois would root out self-serving wicked incumbents and government employees.
  • FOR THOSE IN AUTHORITY: Pray for the political leaders listed below as they continue to make important decisions about how to respond to the COVID-19 health crisis, the lock-down and the resulting economic downturn:
    • U.S. Representative Bobby Rush (D-Chicago)
    • U.S. Representative Rodney Davis (R-Springfield)
    • State Senator Antonio Munoz (D-Chicago)
    • State Senator Jim Oberweis (R-North Aurora)
    • State Senator Omar Aquino (D-Chicago)
    • State Senator Dan McConchie (R-Lake Zurich)
    • State Representative Aaron Ortiz (D-Chicago)
    • State Representative Margo McDermed (R-Mokena)
    • State Representative Theresa Mah (D-Chicago)
    • State Representative Eva Delgado (D-Chicago)
    • State Representative Bradley Stephens (R-Rosemont)
    • State Representative Delia Ramirez (D-Chicago)

Let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace,
so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
(Hebrews 4:16)

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David  E. Smith
Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4). David has almost 35 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes countless interviews for numerous radio, television, cable programs and newspaper articles on topics such as the sanctity of life, natural marriage, broadcast decency, sex education, marijuana, gambling, abortion, homosexuality, tax policy, drug decriminalization and pornography. He and his wife of 30 years are blessed to be the parents of eight children, whom they homeschool. They strongly believe that their first duty before God is to disciple their children in...
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