Encouragement in Prayer
Encouragement in Prayer
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Pastor Calvin Lindstrom

Every Christian is called to pray. It is not an optional duty. We are to pray without giving up in prayer. It is part of spiritual warfare.

But as you pray, you know how many discouragements and challenges you face.

You see inconsistency.

You see distractions.

You see weakness.

You see how great the opposition is to God’s truth.

It is for these reasons and others that we are never to boast about our own prayers or find power in our own words. The power in prayer is that which God sovereignly exercises.

When we pray, we are not looking within, we are to be looking to our faithful, forgiving, patient, gracious, and loving Heavenly Father. We take comfort knowing the intercession of the Lord Jesus Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit as we pray.

In 40 days, our nation will be voting on the future direction of our nation in terms of political leadership. Of course, within this entire period, citizens will already be voting.

To encourage Christians to be in earnest pray during this important period, a 2020 Election Prayer Guide has been prepared by the Church of Christian Liberty. The heart of this this guide is the Word of God and the encouragement to read, study, and pray based on the book of Romans.

Individually and corporately as God’s people, let us commit ourselves afresh to our faithful God, His truth, and pray His will to be done and for the advancement of His kingdom during these times of great uncertainty. 

->Download a copy of the prayer guide HERE.

->Access the IFI Voter Guide resource page HERE.

Here are some additional prayer points to pray through as we fervently seek God’s mercy for the days ahead:

Please Pray:

  • FOR THE UPCOMING ELECTIONS: Throughout Psalm 136, we are repeatedly reminded that God’s mercy “endures forever.” And His mercies are new “every morning” the writer of Lamentations tells us. These truths should be a source of great encouragement and comfort for all believers. At this time of cultural revolution, we must continue to pray for His mercy on our state and nation. Pray too that the Holy Spirit will stir up the faithful to be good stewards of their citizenship, and cast their votes for pro-life/pro-family candidates for local, state and federal offices. Pray that God pours out His wisdom on His people. And pray for discernment!
  • FOR OUR COUNTRY: Pray that Almighty God watch over our nation during this tumultuous election cycle. Protect our minds and emotions from the schemes of the devil — who wants to divide us, cause outbursts of anger, bitterness, discontent and even waves of violence on our streets. Pray that the Lord would “deliver us from evil,” and that his evil schemes (including voter fraud) will be thwarted and exposed. Pray that our government officials would choose to prioritize law and order and rule in a way that advances Biblical justice.
  • FOR THE CANDIDATES: Pray that God will grant us the wisdom to elect leaders who fear Him, and will stand for what is good and true.  Then pray that those elected remain committed to the principles on which they ran. Pray that God will open our eyes to see what’s good for us as a nation. Protect us from those who want leadership for selfish reasons like for power and financial gain at the expense of the general welfare of the people.
  • FOR JUDGES AND THE COURTS: Pray for the upcoming hearings regarding President Trump’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. Pray a hedge of protection around President Trump and his family, the nominee and her family, and all 100 of the United States Senators who will make the decision to accept or reject the nominee. Pray that all lies and attempts to thwart this process would wither.

Pray for the Sanctity of Life:

  • 40 DAYS FOR LIFE: Pray for the success of 40 Days for Life which started on September 23rd. Pray that Christians throughout the state of Illinois would be stirred and committed to taking a one hour a week shift (for 6 weeks) in silent peaceful prayer against the wickedness of abortion. The prophets made it very clear what happens when the unborn are not protected: Proverbs 6:17; Deuteronomy 19:10; Psalm 94:21-23; Isaiah 59:7; Joel 3:19; Psalm 106:37-39.
  • Pregnancy Resource Centers: We lift up our voices in compassion, not only for the innocent pre-born child, but the mother who is dealing with this crisis pregnancy. Pray for all those who are counseling these mothers and help them to love and care for these victims. Pray that the Gospel message transforms, heals and wins the day.

Pray for the Government:

  • CORRUPTION: Pray that the federal government’s investigation into political corruption at various levels of government in Illinois would root out self-serving wicked incumbents and government employees.
  • FOR THOSE IN AUTHORITY: Pray for the political leaders listed below as they continue to make important decisions about how to respond to the COVID-19 health crisis, the lock-down and the resulting economic downturn:
    • U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-Chicago)
    • U.S. Representative Mike Bost (R-Murphysboro)
    • State Senator Melinda Bush (D-Grayslake)
    • State Senator Neil Anderson (R-Moline)
    • State Senator Christopher Belt (D-East St. Louis)
    • State Senator Donald DeWitte (R-West Dundee)
    • State Representative Kelly Burke (D-Evergreen Park)
    • State Representative Mark Batinick (R-Plainfield)
    • State Representative Kambium Buckner (D-Chicago)
    • State Representative Jaime Andrade (D-Chicago)
    • State Representative Darren Bailey (R-Louisville)
    • State Representative Lakesia Collins (D-Chicago)

The Excellence of God’s Wisdom:

Counsel is Mine, and sound wisdom;
am understanding, I have strength.
By Me kings reign,
And rulers decree justice.
By Me princes rule, and nobles,
All the judges of the earth.
I love those who love Me,
And those who seek Me diligently will find me.
(Proverbs 8:14-17)

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