Choose You This Day: Part 2
Choose You This Day: Part 2
Written By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   04.23.24
Reading Time: 7 minutes

The atheistic Left began their assault on America over seventy years ago.

Their progress was quite slow in the beginning, and one must give them credit for their determination. They have not quit to this day!

A principal actor in this effort has been the Communist Party USA, but it is only one of numerous Leftist groups seeking to divide and destroy this great nation (They all lean Marxist). I suppose that most or all those early communists have died without witnessing the fruits of their labors, which have, in recent years, devastated the nation.

Millions of Americans have died as a result of the immorality and corruption introduced into American culture by Leftists; and it is uncertain whether the nation will survive the deceptions and decadence they have promoted.

Yet God rules in the affairs of men, and He alone knows the nation’s future. While the circumstances we witness across America would suggest that we are beyond the tipping point and that evil has such a stranglehold on the government and culture that deliverance is impossible. But those who trust In God know that He seems to delight in cliff-hangers and in snatching victory from the jaws of defeat!

One of those early communists stated that in order to destroy America they would “make the nation so corrupt it will stink,” and they have done just that. But God sets up and puts down nations, so while they have conspired and labored hard to destroy America, they best not laugh just yet!

Recall Psalm Two where the “heathen rage” against God and seek to escape His controls but are rebuked with, “He that sits in the heavens shall laugh; The LORD shall hold them in derision. . . .”

God will have the last laugh! And as it is said, “He who laughs last, laughs best!

It does appear that evil men have achieved their goal of taking control of America, and that millions follow their lead while others are considering doing the same. But they are wolves in sheep’s clothing, disguising their destructive intentions behind a beneficent façade. They have created a substantial political base by robbing current and future working Americans in order to buy votes with handouts to millions who will, in turn, vote to keep them in office.

At the same time, these Leftists have undermined the principles that have provided the foundation for a safe and prosperous society. Multitudes have been fooled.

We must not be!

In this second installment of “Choose You This Day,” we will continue to expose the reality of who the Left is. In the first edition we pointed out that the Left is atheistic; and in hating God they seek to live independent of Him. But this extreme autonomy has created chaos, conflict, and violence everywhere.

Atheism is malevolent and deadly.

Which leads to the next point of conflict between the Right and Left: Conservatives love life while the Left promotes death. The Bible teaches that a tree is known by its fruit, thus we look beyond the words of the Left to their deeds. On every hand, Leftism spreads death.

The first and most obvious example of this is their absolute support of abortion throughout the nine months of pregnancy and even post birth. It appears that they have abandoned even a token interest in life. Whereas they once proclaimed that abortion should be “safe, legal, and rare,” they now demand there be no limits whatever on abortion’s availability for a young woman who desires it.

They are so determined to multiply abortions in Illinois that centers which provide them are not inspected, and if a woman dies in an abortion clinic the coroner need not investigate. What could possibly go wrong?

It is not possible to defend their claim that they are merely providing an escape, a choice for women who are experiencing a traumatic pregnancy. There is a clear exuberance for death, and often a gleeful (and macabre) celebration of each child dying! And if mothers die in the process, too bad!

It’s the price of having the freedom to “choose!” Too inconsequential for an investigation. There is simply no way to determine how many women have died from legal abortions because the Left refuses to track or investigate such events.

They are demonic in their barbarism.

If you believe me to be exaggerating, you better start paying attention to their own words and legislation!

The only way to justify this inhumanity is to operate from the framework that people are not eternal souls, created by God. If we are nothing more than a sophisticated animal, then we may be killed without moral compunction.

However, if there is a God and we are created in His image, we have infinite value to God Himself from the moment of conception. There is simply no other point in our development, other than at conception, where we can logically be attributed value.

Therefore, to abort a baby at any point following conception is murder.

Conservatives support life from conception to natural death. We back up this commitment with pregnancy resource centers and a host of other services, investing multiplied millions of private dollars and generally receiving no public funds.

We adopt and encourage adoption. We point out that there are approximately as many new applications to adopt in America each year as there are abortions, and there are many couples who are even willing to adopt children with extraordinary handicaps. But their pleas that these “unwanted” babies be brought to term and placed for adoption fall largely on deaf ears.

While we may expend millions of dollars to keep wanted preemies alive, many women refuse to invest just a few months to keep an inconvenient baby alive.

Conservatives also resist the siren song of euthanasia, which the left has twisted to somehow be considered beneficial and has been legalized in over ten states. The Left calls it “death with dignity,” which is truly an oxymoron and an attempt to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.

Death cannot be made dignified. 

It is the final assault of mankind’s enemy to render us a decaying corpse. To assist in that process in any way is to aid and abet the enemy. The only dignity that can be brought to the situation is to love and support the eternal soul going through the final stages of the aftermath of the Fall, and to point them to Jesus Christ as their Deliverer.

That the Left is not only comfortable with death, but actively promotes it cannot be refuted. With the open border on the south, huge quantities of deadly drugs have been smuggled into the country leading to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of young Americans.

Yet the Left has not only turned a blind eye to the flood of death, they actively resist every effort to stem the flow. Trump’s wall worked, but was “bad optics” they say; so a hundred thousand deaths a year is better than appearing to be unwelcoming to the world?

And worse, even in the face of the great loss of life to dangerous drugs in America, Leftists have strongly promoted greater access to the plague, legalizing more and more types of narcotics, even though many are found to be laced with other deadly substances.

Conservatives, on the other hand, have tried a thousand ways to build “fences” and other obstacles to the access of these dangerous substances and activities to protect lives, yet are rebuffed by the Left and labeled as haters or racists for doing so. We are told that fences at the “top of the cliffs” are somehow evil, but if we do not buy into driving ambulances or hearses to the broken souls at the bottom of the “cliffs,” we are haters.

The best life, to the Left, is not a healthy, safe, and long life, but rather a life following one’s own choices, regardless of the consequences. A person who “follows his heart,” but dies at 23, is to be celebrated for doing things his own way and is considered “authentic,” and somehow better off than the person who acts wisely, abides by the “rules,” and lives to 90.

Life is not valued, human life at any rate!  

In Deuteronomy 30:15-19 we read, “See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil. . . .therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live,” (NKJV).

But because the Left has rejected God, they have also rejected life as a good. In Proverbs 8:36 we read God’s perspective of all who reject Him and His wisdom. He says, “He who sins against me wrongs his own soul; all those who hate me love death,” (NKJV).

A third tragic manifestation of the Leftists’ disregard for life is their indifference to the slaughterhouses that are America’s inner cities, which are generally under the total control of the Democrat Party. Hardly a week goes by without a multitude of shootings in cities such as Chicago, yet NOTHING is said by the Left, and even less is done.

On the occasion that a mass shooting catches the public’s attention the Left merely repeats ad infinitum their catch phrases on gun control, but  real solutions are never addressed. Apparently, like abortion, street violence is for the Left just a form of birth control. They yawn and go back to creating more ways to tax and spend our children’s and grandchildren’s money.

That God loves life is revealed in texts such as Ezekiel 33:11, “Say to them: ’As I live’ says the Lord God, ‘I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and lives.  Turn, turn from your evil ways!  For why should you die. . . ?” (NKJV).

The pro-life and pro-death camps are directly related to the topic of my first article in this series: that the nation is divided between theists and atheists. Each theological framework leads to its own logical consequences. Theism leads to valuing the lives of all people while atheism devalues life, leaving a culture that expresses all too well the Darwinian “survival of the fittest.”

And as the natural world is riddled with death and dying, those who believe there is nothing beyond the natural world are comfortable with death reigning among mankind as well.

Biblical Christianity sees death as a tragedy and seeks to limit it when possible and weaken its bite otherwise. Death is not our friend and never can be. Scriptures call death our “last enemy.”

Christ is life, loves life, and gives life to all who trust in Him, and serious Christians love what He loves, period.

The lines are clearly drawn for those who are aware. It is a conflict between those who love and protect life and those who destroy life. Which side do you choose?

Neutrality is not possible.

Rev. Thorin Anderson
Rev. Thorin Anderson is a member of the Advisory Council to Illinois Family Institute and the former pastor of Parkwood Baptist Church on the south side of Chicago. Pastor Anderson has faithfully pastored at Parkwood Baptist Church since September, 2000 until 2022. He received his Master of Divinity degree from Central Seminary. He and his wife Toni have seven children and 19 grandchildren. Pastor Anderson also serves on the board of directors for Men for Christ, an association that organizes annual weekend men’s rallies in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Illinois on a rotating basis. For more information on these...
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