Written by Pastor Myles Holmes
Tonight’s expected announcement of Trump’s pick for the U.S. Supreme Court and the upcoming confirmation process to fill Justice Kennedy’s seat marks a historic moment for the nation. Let us cover it in prayer.
Heavenly Father, Creator of all there is, Lord and Master of time and history, we praise You today for the blessings You have bestowed upon this great nation.
Our freedoms and liberties, our prosperity and bounty, are not the work of the hands of man, but they are Your mercies and grace upon us.
We acknowledge that we have failed you over and over again, we have mocked Your Word and spat upon Your law.
We have called good evil, we have celebrated evil, and truth lies fallen in the streets.
But You have always had a people in these United States who have cried out to You and Your mercies.
We your people cry out to You again.
You are a Miracle Worker of signs and wonders. You open doors that no one can shut. You make rivers in the desert, and You make a way through the sea and a path through the waters. You restore the years that the locusts have eaten.
We praise and thank You today that there are so many signs in this nation of our prayers being answered.
We pray for a continued spirit of repentance and conviction.
We pray this spirit of repentance and conviction will emanate from the church and affect every sphere of society … from our streets and businesses and schools and local city halls, to the halls of the U.S. Congress and the White House.
We thank You for those you have placed in servant leadership over this nation.
We pray your protection and blessing and grace upon our President Donald Trump, Vice president Mike Pence, the cabinet members, and their families.
May they humbly seek you daily for direction, instruction, and Godliness. Grant to them insight to lead and foresight to anticipate what must be done to turn this nation back to You.
Now Father, You have granted us another opportunity to appoint a new U.S. Supreme Court justice to interpret the laws of the U.S. Constitution of this great land.
Heavenly Father, we cry out for mercy and Your leadership.
We pray that President Trump, Mike Pence and their advisors will be led by your wisdom, discernment, discretion and courage to appoint a man or woman who will serve on the U.S. Supreme Court with character and competence.
We pray in the Mighty and Matchless Name of Jesus Christ against all obstruction and hindering forces; we bind every evil, demonic power that would resist a man or woman of righteousness being appointed to this Court.
We know that righteousness exalts a nation.
We know that our laws and legislation must reflect an honoring of the God Who has blessed this nation.
We pray that this U.S. Supreme Court Justice appointment will be one who honors this great Constitution that you have blessed this nation with, respects the original intent of its authors, and believes in the individual freedoms that are enshrined in the Bill of Rights.
We pray that unjust and immoral laws will be overturned.
We pray that justice will run down like water, and righteousness like a mighty stream. Amos 5:24
We pray that all distortion and deception of laws will cease.
We pray that all perversions of justice will come to an end.
We pray that morality and decency will return to the chambers of the U.S. Supreme Court.
We pray that our justices will be blessed with moral courage, supernatural strength, and the backbone to speak against evil and to support the good, the right and the true.
We pray that our U.S. Supreme Court justices will continue to uphold freedom of religion, freedom of conscience, freedom of speech and thought, to enable Your church to boldly rebuke evil, courageously defend the Truth and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We, your people, pray for Your blessing on the United States of America, we ask you for another great revival, another great move of your Spirit sweeping millions into the Kingdom, and pushing back the darkness. May Your Kingdom come and may Your Will be done.
May Your people remain faithful and humble, but bold as a lion to speak for righteousness and truth.
Protect our President and Vice President and their families from every evil spoken against them and every plan and plot of destruction, and draw each of them closer to You as they lead this great nation.
Send your Spirit,
Send revival,
Build your church that the gates of hell cannot prevail against,
let no flesh glory in Your Presence,
May the Name of Christ be high and lifted up above every other name,
the Name of Jesus,
It’s in His Name we pray,
Amen and Amen.
Pastor Myles Holmes (holy terror to mediocrity) is Lead Pastor REVIVE Church in Collinsville, Illinois and an IFI board member. You can find him on Facebook and on Twitter @PastorMHolmes