The Blatant Anti-Christian Sentiment of the Public Schools
The Blatant Anti-Christian Sentiment of the Public Schools
Written By   |   03.04.22
Reading Time: 4 minutes

“They hate him who reproves in the gate,
And they abhor him who speaks with integrity.”
Amos 5:10

We have all seen and heard many shocking stories relating to public schools, such as the Zoom video where a teacher gets offended by a 10-year-old student for saying that he admires Donald Trump, or the insane Critical Race Theory or LGBTQIA indoctrination that students are constantly fed. This following story, however, is on a whole new level of demented, even for public schools.

This shocking story is from a Texas middle school. A teacher named Lisa Grimes was caught on camera complaining about how not everyone is properly vaccinated and that she wishes “conservative Christians” would “get COVID and die,” presumably because the stereotype of people who refuse the vaccine is hardcore, conservative Christian. This is crazy, even for a public school. We expect things like Critical Race Theory (CRT), racy or edgy books in the library, nonsensical LGBTQ policies or teachings, or extreme anti-Trump rhetoric from teachers, but this is by far the most bold and blatant a teacher has ever been in expressing their deranged (and hateful) Leftist ideology.

Grimes admitted to hating Christians to the point that she does not even want them to have the right to live. While it is understandably shocking and sickening to hear a teacher say outright that they hate Christians and want Christians to die, it shouldn’t be at this point in time. While I acknowledge that many teachers, both in public and private schools, can be great Christian role models, the system as a whole is clearly fostering an extreme anti-Christian bias that seems to elude many people, even when the schools make it so obvious. Many of the ideas they teach in public schools are not just immoral, but completely contradict and are the antithesis of Christianity.

Public Schools have made their position clear time and time again through their constant Leftist propaganda and insane views on gender. We already know what public schools as a whole think about Christians. While the teacher in the video actually says she hates Christians, most public schools still spread the same message of anti-Christian hatred, but through more subtle means. Students are taught to believe that identifying as LGBTQIA is not only something to not be ashamed of, but rather, it is something to be celebrated. They are taught that anyone who opposes this view is a bigoted piece of garbage. We can see how the hate for Christians naturally follows from these teachings.

Christians are commanded to abstain from sexual immorality, which includes LGBTQIA behavior, so it follows that they are seen as “bigots” or “homophobes” or “intolerant.” Since students are taught to oppose homophobia or anything remotely anti-LGBTQ, they perceive Christians as their number one enemy. The idea of staying sexually pure before marriage and forgoing other immoral acts wasn’t that crazy until recently. But now, unfortunately, this belief is seen as not only kind of weird or different, but as intolerant and horrible.

And who can forget about Critical Race Theory? While this one may not be as painfully obvious, CRT also directly contradicts Christian principles. God has created all of us equal in His eyes, but CRT teaches the exact opposite. Now, students are subtly brainwashed into opposing equality. They are taught to treat people differently purely based off the color of their skin, which is completely opposite to how a Christian should act. Whether we realize it or not, whether it is subtle or blatant, as with the teacher in the video, public schools are in direct contradiction with Christianity, and not only that, they also actively promote hatred of Christians through the ideas they teach. One cannot be an extreme Leftist and a Christian at the same time; it’s just not possible. This is a controversial thing to say, but it is something that we should acknowledge. To say that you embrace both Leftist propaganda AND Christian beliefs is nearly as ludicrous as saying that you are Islamic, but you follow the teachings of the Bible and Jesus Christ. In fact, saying you are a liberal Christian may be even worse since there is absolutely nothing in common with the two ideologies.

While it may pain us to admit this harsh reality, since so many people have been brainwashed into the cult of Leftism, that doesn’t mean that there is nothing we can do about it. The most important thing we can do as everyday citizens is spread the Good News of the Gospel and hope people come to Jesus on their own. This approach will be difficult, especially as many of these Leftists already believe they are Christians. So, if someone spreads the Word to them, they may discount or ignore it, thinking that they are already Christ followers. Hopefully, God will bring about some kind of revival in these hard times, because it is only by Him, working through us, that the minds of so many people can be changed.

While it is sad to think that a whole generation of kids are being brainwashed by the liberal propaganda machine that is the government school system, that doesn’t mean there is no hope left for America. Many parents are starting to realize just how awful the schools actually are through stories such as the sexual assault scandal in Loudon County schools or through the COVID-19 pandemic where so many students were online and parents could hear and see their kids’ classes. Many parents are getting involved by going to school board meetings or even running for a seat on their local school board. But the least, and perhaps the most important thing, we all can do is to stop sending our children to public schools. I realize it can be difficult, or maybe even impossible for some families, but if you are able to enroll your child(ren) in a private school or homeschool them, in the long run it will help all of us to defeat the public school system.

Since public schools have made it so clear that they hate Christianity and everything it stands for, we should do everything in our power to make sure that children do not end up spending all day in a place where they are hated and mocked for their “radical” beliefs. Children should not be told that they are “hateful” or “bigoted” for simply holding traditional Christian beliefs, yet, that seems to be a major goal of public schools. So major in fact, that they call parents who go to school board meetings to defend their children and their beliefs “domestic terrorists.” With language that extreme, many public school teachers and administrators are definitely pushing a truly radical agenda and they won’t stop unless we stop them.

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