Over the years, we have reported on the ever-increasing corruptive influences within public education. We’ve changed our message from a suggestion that Christians exercise educational choice to an urgent appeal to parents and grandparents to get them out of government indoctrination centers. If you have been reading our alerts, you know that school officials (and state lawmakers) have approved the teaching of subjects that run contrary to biblical Christianity. In order to protect the hearts and minds of our children, it is wise to consider other education options.
The current COVID-19 lockdown of school districts statewide presents parents and grandparents with an opportunity to make a jump to home education. As a veteran homeschool father, I can tell you that it is not as difficult as some think it might be. Once you get started, chances are that you will not only love spending quality time with your children, but you will grow to appreciate the freedom we have in Illinois to provide your children with edifying Christian instruction.
IFI recently held two important webinars to help better inform, equip, and encourage parents to make the move to home education. These webinars can be found on the IFI YouTube channel under the “Home Education” playlist tab. These videos are posted for anyone curious about homeschooling.
In our first webinar we featured three experienced homeschool mothers who address frequently asked questions about Illinois law and how to begin homeschooling.

The second video features Dr. Brian Ray, a leading researcher in the area of homeschool education. He is the president of the National Home Education Research Institute (nheri.org).

These videos provide a wealth of information for those who are new to homeschooling or just curious about the subject. Anyone seeking information about statistics, law, philosophy, trends, or fundamentals about homeschooling are encouraged to check them out.
We pray that you will be excited about the prospect of taking your children out of government schools to educate them at home where they can work at their own pace and focus on their own interests. Moreover, we pray that you will see the value of discipling them in the faith. Teaching Christian ethics and instilling a biblical worldview in your students has never been more important. Instead of learning to celebrate sexual immorality, to fear a climate apocalypse, and to hate America, you can cultivate in them virtues like honesty, purity, gratefulness, patriotism, diligence, courage, kindness, self-control, humility, respect and responsibility.
Homeschooling is a far superior means to raise God-honoring productive members of society who love and serve their neighbors than is public schooling.
Read more:
Three Steps to Start Homeschooling Now
How to Start Homeschooling: Free Resources for Beginners
Three Big Reasons to Consider Homeschooling This Year
Escape Charter School Bottleneck—Homeschooling Has No Waiting List!
Illinois Public School Officials Spread Disinformation
Coronavirus, Education, and Tofu: Why Choice is the Solution to the Education Conundrum
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