Protect Your Kids
Protect Your Kids
Written By Alyssa Sonnenburg   |   10.09.24
Reading Time: 2 minutes

There is a crisis in American government schools– especially in liberal states such as Big Blue Illinois.

Not only is the crisis moral, but it is also academic – and obviously so.

According to Illinois Policy,

“Illinois State Board of Education data on the Illinois Assessment of Readiness reports 35% of third- through eighth-grade students could read at grade level in spring 2023 and 27% were proficient in math.”

Academics are also extremely poor for senior high students.

“Current Illinois 12th-grade students scored on average nearly 12 points lower in reading and 25 points lower in math on the SAT this past spring as juniors compared to juniors in 2019. Just 32% of current seniors could read at grade level, and 27% performed math proficiently on the SAT in spring 2023.”

These statistics should cause every parent to reconsider public education purely based on academic excellence.

To use a personal anecdote, I went to a private Christian school my entire life, and one common thread was consistent in my education: whenever my school had transfer students come in from a public school in the area (nice, rich suburbs, mind you), the students from the public school would always struggle academically.

They had aced their classes in public school. But in private school? Not so much.

I use this personal anecdote not to brag about the intellect of private school kids (because even if you attend a private school your whole life, you can still struggle with academics). I simply use this personal story to show the common theme that statistics are bearing out for us.

Public schools are not up to academic standards.

The proficiency levels are downright horrible.

If you would like to check the proficiency scores of the public schools in your district, click here.

In addition to the academic struggle of public schools, children are facing more and more godless indoctrination in their studies.

According to Illinois Civics Hub,

“The Inclusive Curriculum Law, signed by Governor J.B. Pritzker on Aug. 9, 2019, mandates that by the time students finish eighth grade, public schools must teach them about contributions to state and U.S. history made by lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people.”

Before entering high school, Illinois law mandates that your child (a minor still figuring out the world) learn about immoral lifestyles and their “contributions” to society.

The list of Illinois schools’ moral failings goes on and on.

The organization Protect Our Kids recognizes these failings and wants to do something about it.

Protect Our Kids is a coalition of “parents, community leaders, attorneys, physicians, pastors, teachers, and concerned citizens united in the belief that today’s public schools threaten our children’s welfare.”

Their mission is simple:

“To educate parents about the scope and dangers of the public education system.”

Protect Our Kids recognizes the public school agendas of critical race theory, sex and gender theory, and social-emotional learning as a “triple threat” that is targeting our impressionable children.

Protect Our Kids exists to “shine light on these threats by providing evidence of their existence, the harms they present, and the options parents have to protect their children from them.”

Learn more about Protect Our Kids and the options you have as a parent by going to

Alyssa Sonnenburg
Alyssa Sonnenburg is a dedicated Christian, wife, and is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute. She is a co-host of the Self-Evident podcast and serves as an Executive Assistant at IFI. Growing up on the southside of Chicago, she and her husband now live in the northwest suburbs....
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