Lawmakers Want Mandatory Kindergarten in Illinois
Lawmakers Want Mandatory Kindergarten in Illinois
Written By David E. Smith   |   01.08.21
Reading Time: 2 minutes

State Senator Kimberly Lightford (D-Chicago) has been diligently working to expand the state’s compulsory school attendance laws. In February 2019, she introduced a bill to lower the mandatory age for school attendance in Illinois from 6 to 5 years of age.  This proposal passed the Illinois Senate on April 11, 2019 by a vote of 39 to 16.

Despite the COVID-19 lockdown, Illinois House members are headed to Springfield for a Lame Duck session. State Senator Lightford’s bill, SB 2075, is scheduled to be heard in the Higher Education Committee in Springfield on Saturday, January 9th at 10:00 AM. Illinois House sponsors include State Representatives Kambium Buckner (D-Chicago), Curtis Tarver (D-Chicago) and La Shawn Ford (D-Chicago).

There is no reason for the government to usurp the God-given authority of parents to direct the upbringing of their children. Parents are best suited to decide when their children are socially, emotionally, and cognitively ready for formal education.

State lawmakers are not going to fix what’s wrong with education by forcing kids to start school a year earlier. In fact, there is evidence that education isn’t about more seat-time for kids.

Moreover, we all need to realize that there isn’t much education going on in many of our government schools.

The decision to begin formal education–which increasingly serves the political and moral ends of liberals and their allies in the Teacher’s Union–rests with parents, not State Senator Lightford or any other politician.

Take ACTION: Click HERE to send an email or a fax to your state representative to ask him/her to vote against SB 2075 and the expanding role of government in the lives of Illinois families. You can also call your state senator through the Springfield switchboard at (217) 782-2000.

MORE ACTION:  File a Witness Slip:  Click HERE

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Return to the Higher Education Committee Hearing Details.

Scroll down to find SB 2075 and click on the paper and pencil icon at the far right to “Create Witness Slip.”

Make sure you click OPPONENT for this over-reaching bill.

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David  E. Smith
Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4). David has almost 35 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes countless interviews for numerous radio, television, cable programs and newspaper articles on topics such as the sanctity of life, natural marriage, broadcast decency, sex education, marijuana, gambling, abortion, homosexuality, tax policy, drug decriminalization and pornography. He and his wife of 30 years are blessed to be the parents of eight children, whom they homeschool. They strongly believe that their first duty before God is to disciple their children in...
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