It is Indoctrination, Not Education
It is Indoctrination, Not Education
Written By Thomas Hampson   |   11.28.23
Reading Time: 6 minutes

Waterloo High School is in the news again.

This time, it is about students from the high school Diversity Club raising money to purchase “chest binders” for transgender boys (who are biological girls) who are transitioning without the knowledge or support of their parents.

According to a report by the DailyWire, some of the money raised by the students may have been provided by the federal government. Apparently, the faculty advisor for the Diversity Club shared the financial need with other advisors at a “Gender and Sexualities Alliance (GSA) Advisors Meetup” during a quarterly meeting of GSA Advisors.

One of the people at the meeting worked for the Public Health Institute of Metropolitan Chicago (PHIMC), which is an agency associated with AmeriCorps as well as dozens of healthcare companies and organizations throughout the Metropolitan Chicago area.

After the meeting, that PHIMC employee wrote a letter to the Waterloo High Diversity Club advisor, reportedly Maggie Partipilo, an English teacher at the school, offering to help fund the students’ efforts.

According to the results of a Freedom of Information Act request by Parents Defending Education, no response to that letter by Partipilo or anyone else was included in the FOIA response. So, we do not know for sure whether any funding was provided. The offer itself is enough to conclude that government money is being used for such purposes; if not at Waterloo High School, it certainly is somewhere else.

Just for background, AmeriCorps was created in 1993 under the Clinton Administration. It consolidated several public service programs under a single umbrella, the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS).

Essentially, it has become a means for the federal government to fund community activists, mostly progressive activists. One of the more notorious organizations it had funded was the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). ACORN was founded in 1970 in Arkansas and grew to 1200 offices in 100 cities nationwide.

At its peak, it had 500,000 members. By 2010, all the offices had closed because of a series of scandals involving voter fraud, embezzlement, and questionable practices such as providing advice on prostitution and tax evasion.

One of the two AmeriCorps programs that are part of PHIMC is AmeriCorps VISTA: Support LGBTQ+ Youth in Illinois. It is apparently that program that is aiding LGBT activists in schools throughout this state. The program is described as follows on PHIMC’s website:

PHIMC’s Illinois Safe Schools Alliance program seeks a cohort of four VISTAs to support activities such as the Safe Schools Consortia Project, Action Camp, Midwest LGBTQ+ Network, youth leadership development, community outreach, and additional capacity-building activities across the state.

The Alliance program promotes safety, support, and healthy development for LGBTQ+ youth in Illinois schools and communities, through advocacy, education, youth organizing, and research. The Alliance has over 16 years of experience working with young people, community organizations, schools and districts, and state agencies toward the goal of fostering safer school spaces for LGBTQ+ youth.

I wrote about Waterloo High School a few months ago when the controversy over who could use which bathroom made the news. A group of students rebelled against the decision by the administration to allow transgender students to use the restrooms of their chosen gender.

Many students opted to use a restroom by the Nurse’s office, which is for only one person at a time, instead of using the restrooms that were opened to transgender students.

Long lines created chaos between classes.

When I wrote the article, I was unaware of the school’s Diversity Club or Mrs. Partipilo’s involvement. In retrospect and considering recently disclosed efforts to raise money to support students who are transitioning in secret, it is evident that the actions of the Club and its advisor were in part behind these earlier problems at Waterloo. A letter that Mrs. Partipilo wrote directly addressed the issue I had written about.

Additionally, Mrs. Partipilo separately advocated that the school maintain secrecy regarding students gender identities. In one of her letters regarding the proposed policy before the board of education, she wrote to Brian Charron, the Superintendent:

“I wholeheartedly disagree that the ‘parental involvement’ in a student’s education, as referenced in 8:95, has anything to do with gender identity and bathroom facilities. I believe this to be a blatant misuse of policy 8:95 as a foundation for the creation of the gender identity plan requirements listed in the proposal. Policy 8:95 is intended to give parents/guardians a voice regarding the actual education of their child(ren). It is NOT intended to give the school board the right to REQUIRE parent involvement in bathroom usage outside of the classroom and educational environment.”

In other words, Mrs. Partipilo is yet another teacher, like teachers in thousands of schools across the country, who believe that parents have no right to be informed about major issues involving their own children.

It’s ok, she thinks, to keep parents in the dark.

Does she have children? If so, would she want a local trusted teacher to deceive her about her child?

Most teachers are not like Mrs. Partipilo. Most teachers respect parents. But some don’t.

Some, like Mrs. Partipilo, think that as teachers, they know better than parents. These are not educators. They are activists dedicated to indoctrinating the children to see things their way.

It does not appear that Maggie Partipilo is still teaching at Waterloo High School. She is no longer listed in the staff directory. Her website, noted in the DailyWire article, appears to have been taken down. It’s possible, since it was a Google Classroom website that it is private, and an invitation is required to see it. I don’t know.

Nevertheless, Mrs. Partipilo remains a licensed teacher in Illinois, but there is no indication of where she currently teaches.

The DailyWire article had published a screenshot of her homepage, a painted classroom image. “Welcome to Mrs. Partipilo’s Virtual Classroom” was on the blackboard, and the female figure was waving and wearing a shirt with a rainbow heart on the front.

On her virtual desk was a computer monitor with a screen saver showing a picture of her family. Also on the desk was a rainbow flag and a Green Bay Packer mug. On a bookshelf next to the blackboard was a Packer helmet, a vase with flowers, a container with pencils, and several nondescript books.

There was no American flag, no flag of the State of Illinois. No school flag is depicted in the screenshot either.

In the recent documentary by the Daily Caller, “Groomed,” Nicholas Kardaras, Ph.D., was interviewed regarding the current explosion of children identifying as transgender or as some other identity on the made-up gender spectrum. Dr. Kardaras is a psychologist, a licensed clinical social worker, and an author.

He wrote the book “Glow Kids” in 2016, warning about technology addiction. Last year, he wrote “Digital Madness” about the deterioration of the mental health of our youth.

In the documentary, Kardaras said that he had worked on and off in a school district in his capacity as a psychologist for 15 years. He commented on what he saw in some teachers in the district. He said:

“You saw that there were some entrenched, unwell, teachers that I wouldn’t trust to water my plants because, let’s face it, they weren’t just teaching content, they were teaching whatever their ideology was. . .”

Our children are in trouble. There is an unprecedented increase in children identifying as LGBTQ+. In my lifetime, that identification has increased from less than 2% to 26% of children in high school today.

Children experiencing confusion, anxiety, loneliness, and depression are at all-time highs, as are drug, alcohol, and porn addiction. For children between 10 and 14, suicide is the second leading cause of death. From 15 to 25, it is the third leading cause of death.

Meanwhile, networks of interrelated, nonprofit, government-funded activist organizations are spreading more confusion about gender identity in public schools, while simultaneously undermining the relationships between parents and their children. Many of these organizations have reached into public schools and have enlisted a few activist teachers to promote a progressive ideology that is incompatible with our Judeo/Christian founding principles.

Do you want your children’s teachers to hide things about your child from you? Do you want them to keep secrets and undermine your relationship with your children? Do you want your children to be indoctrinated in the beliefs of their teachers?

You may not want it, but that is exactly what’s happening.

There are “some entrenched unwell teachers” who are damaging your children, damaging the schools. They are leading children in unhealthy directions and undermining your family relationships. These teachers have to go.

Either regain control of the public schools or take your children out of them.

Thomas Hampson
Thomas Hampson and his wife live in the suburbs of Chicago, have been married for 50 years, and have three grown children. Mr. Hampson is an Air Force veteran where he served as an Intelligence analyst in Western Europe. He also served as an Chief Investigator for the Illinois Legislative Investigating Commission and served on the Chicago Crime Commission as a board member. His work as an investigator prompted him to establish the Truth Alliance Foundation (TAF) and to dedicate the rest of his life to the protection of children. He hopes that the TAF will expand to facilitate the...
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