HB 2827: Next Steps
HB 2827: Next Steps
Written By David E. Smith   |   03.20.25
Reading Time: 5 minutes

On Wednesday morning, HB 2827 was heard in the House Education Policy Committee. After two hours of testimony and debate, the committee voted 8 to 4, with one voting “present” to report it favorably to the full House floor.

We expect that this bill will be amended and then voted on by the full Illinois House sometime in the next several weeks. If passed, it would progress to the Illinois Senate.

It is vitally important that we pray fervently for God’s help in defeating this bill, make phone calls, send emails, schedule visits, and then pray some more.

We urge readers to first focus on making phone calls to your own State Representative and then another call to House Speaker Chris Welch’s office to let him know how unpopular HB 2827 is with Illinois families: (217) 782-5350.

Click HERE to look up your elected officials.

Illinois State Representatives are scheduled for a break during the first and third weeks of April. This may be an ideal time for groups of families to meet with their local representative to urge them to oppose this proposal. Call them now to get on their schedule.

Please note: During the committee hearing, State Representative Fred Crespo (D-Elgin) told his colleagues, “I won’t be able to support the bill…” He then explained why:

“I am mostly influenced by the many families in my district that I know – that I’ve known for 20-30 years. Some of these kids are now even parents themselves and I think they’ve done a phenomenal job.”

His comments highlight what we’ve been trying to emphasize to Christian conservatives for decades now. Having a good relationship with your local officials can go a long way in helping them understand our families and our values. Meeting with and calling them really does make a difference regardless of what side of the aisle they sit on.

Additionally, establishing a good rapport with local officials can lead to opportunities to pray for them, and/or share the Good News of the Gospel with them. So please consider this aspect of being salt and light in your community.


During her testimony in the committee, the sponsor of this bill, State Representative Terra Costa Howard (D-Lombard) claimed that one of the reasons she is pushing this bill is to protect children from homeschooling parents “who don’t do it the right way, who don’t have the ability to do it the right way.”

Other proponents are giving heart-rending stories of child abuse and neglect by parents who claim to homeschool. While we hope that the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) will protect these children, it does not excuse onerous regulations for tens of thousands of good families who educate at home diligently.

In our opinion, there are no good reasons to expand government authority over hardworking citizens who prioritize their children’s wellbeing in education. These parents not only love their children, but they want to equip them to be future productive members of society.

In her opening statement, Representative Howard said:

“Education is a fundamental right for every child. However, we know that loopholes exist, and we have a duty to ensure that children actually receive an education and that they don’t fall through the cracks of our system.”

Yet, for years now, the Illinois State Board of Election has reported an alarming percentage of public-school students who do not meet basic proficiency levels. Less than 32 percent of high school seniors are proficient in English Language Arts and less than 27 percent are proficient in Math.

Where is the concern about the majority of public school students who are not receiving an education and falling through the cracks verses a few that are supposedly homeschooled?

It is also alarming to note that 1 in 10 students are sexually exploited and/or assaulted in public schools by an adult in their school – an administrator, a teacher, an aide, a janitor, a security guard, etc.

The sexual abuse problem in Chicago Public Schools (CPS) has been a significant and persistent issue, highlighted by multiple reports and investigations over recent years.

As the nation’s third-largest school district, CPS has faced systemic failures in preventing and responding to sexual misconduct involving students, perpetrated by both school employees and peers. A 2018 Chicago Tribune investigation revealed over 500 cases of sexual abuse and rape by CPS staff against students over a decade, exposing grave deficiencies in hiring, training, reporting, and oversight.

This led to the creation of the Office of Student Protections, Title IX and the Sexual Allegations Unit (SAU) within the CPS Inspector General’s office to address these issues.

Since then, the SAU has reported a high volume of allegations annually, including 470 complaints of sexual misconduct in 2022, with cases ranging from grooming to assault, some resulting in criminal charges.

In 2023, 446 allegations of adult-on-student abuse were reported, and in 2024, the SAU received a total of 469 new complaints involving allegations of sexual misconduct by CPS-affiliated adults toward students, evidence that it’s not going away.

Many other children are assaulted by other students. Just this week, a student was awarded a $3.2 million settlement in a lawsuit against Homewood-Flossmoor High School District. The school was accused of failing to respond to a report of a sexual assault at school by a fellow student.

It’s also important to note that the Planned Parenthood sex education taught in Chicago Public Schools is some of the most shocking in the nation. It is our firm opinion that these students are being groomed for early sexual engagement. We also are of the opinion that the sex ed plays a role in the the ongoing sexual abuse problem.

It couldn’t be clearer: the public school system has failed in their basic responsibility of educating and protecting children in their system. This fact is reason enough for distrust among so many Illinoisans.

The immediate focus should be on getting the government funded schools in order.

It’s not the homeschoolers that are the problem. In fact, they are the solution!


We are very grateful to have a great number of state lawmakers speaking out against this bill. State Representative Jed Davis (R-Yorkville) did an excellent interview with WCSJNews.com, calling the bill “absolute garbage.”

State Representatives Blain Wilhour (R-Louisville) and Regan Deering (R-Decatur) spoke with Fox News Channel after the committee hearing telling viewers that this is “a parental rights issue.” Watch this short video HERE.

Earlier this week, State Representative Chris Miller (R-Oakland), chairman of the Illinois Freedom Caucus, took to the House floor to urge that HB 2827 be thrown in the garbage. Watch or listen to his comments HERE.

State Senator Neil Anderson (R-Aledo) has also been speaking out on social media. As a homeschooling father, he is one of our strongest allies. You can watch/listen to his response to HB 2827 posted on Facebook HERE.

Finally, I thought it interesting to note that David Blatt, a Jewish friend of mine, posted on my Facebook page his concerns, saying:

We must defeat HB 2827 and defend homeschooling. My fellow Jewish Illinoisans: As the public schools become dens of anti-Semitism, homeschooling may represent a solid choice to protect the children of our community.

Please reach out to your reps in Springfield now!

The Committee Hearing

If you would like to watch or listen to the entire House Hearing on HB 2827, you can find it HERE.

If you would just like to hear the strong testimony of HSLDA attorney Will Estrada, please click HERE.

If you would just like to hear the outstanding testimony of Chicago homeschool mom Aziza Butler, please click HERE.

David  E. Smith
Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4). David has almost 35 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes countless interviews for numerous radio, television, cable programs and newspaper articles on topics such as the sanctity of life, natural marriage, broadcast decency, sex education, marijuana, gambling, abortion, homosexuality, tax policy, drug decriminalization and pornography. He and his wife of 30 years are blessed to be the parents of eight children, whom they homeschool. They strongly believe that their first duty before God is to disciple their children in...
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