Education Leader: Rescue Children From Public Schools, Dunkirk-Style
Education Leader: Rescue Children From Public Schools, Dunkirk-Style
Written By Alex Newman   |   03.05.22
Reading Time: 3 minutes

This article was originally published in 2017 at The Newman Report:

A longtime education activist seeking to rescue Christian children from government schools, Exodus Mandate Director Lt. Col. E. Ray Moore (ret.), is seizing on the release of the new movie Dunkirk to advance his cause.

Moore, a retired military chaplain who now runs Frontline Ministries, sees the inspiring story of Dunkirk — when ordinary citizens banded together in heroic fashion to rescue stranded Allied troops from annihilation — as a metaphor for what must take place today in America.

But instead of saving troops, the goal now is saving America’s children from the spiritual, moral, and mental destruction wrought by the government “education” regime and the establishment behind it.

The story of Dunkirk is well known — at least to older Americans and those who were educated outside of government schools.

In essence, over 300,000 British and Allies troops were completely surrounded by National Socialist (Nazi) forces at the beaches of Dunkirk. They were facing complete and total destruction.

But then, a miracle happened: A massive flotilla of boats and ships manned largely by civilians — from private yachts and commercial vessels to fishing boats and British Naval ships — set sail to rescue the stranded troops. By the time it was over, more than 330,000 soldiers were rescued.

A hit new film called Dunkirk by Christopher Nolan is now re-acquainting a new generation of Americans with the historic events.

But Moore, who first picked up the Dunkirk theme many years ago, wants to go one step further: Using the inspiring saga to urge Americans from all walks of life to band together and rescue America’s children.

“Today the U.S. is in an emergency with millions of children trapped in the pagan, leftist and godless public schools,” Moore told Freedom Project Media. “Let every local church, homeschool co-op, private or Christian school, and conservative organization answer the ‘Call to Dunkirk’ and rescue our children from the government schools.”

Working with other Christian and education leaders such as Dr. Bruce Shortt and internationally renowned Pastor Voddie Baucham, Moore actually produced a short video years ago called “The Call to Dunkirk” seeking a mass exodus from government schools.

YouTube video

Moore said the theme related well with the recently released movie Dunkirk, saying it could serve as a tool for homeschool and Christian families to bring attention to the current “emergency” in K-12 schools.

“Use it aggressively with your family, friends and neighbors for this modern rescue operation for our children,” he said.

While his message was viewed by even some conservative and Christian leaders as somewhat radical decades ago, Moore’s sounding of the alarm has gained more and more recognition in recent years. Earlier this year, for instance, Moore did a two-day radio interview on the subject with Dr. James Dobson, one of America’s most well-known and respected evangelical leaders.

Among those who have exposed this agenda are Charlotte Iserbyt, a senior advisor at the Reagan administration’s U.S. Department of Education. When she realized what was going on — and obtained the documents to prove it — she launched a historic effort to get the word out. Her book, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, exposed the evidence she collected to a massive audience.

As this writer has also documented extensively, the establishment behind the government school system is harming and even destroying children across America on an industrial scale. With options such as the Freedom Project Academy, homeschools, Christian schools, and more available today, there can be no more excuses for parents.

(Republished with permission.)

Alex Newman
Alex Newman is an award-winning international journalist, educator, author, and consultant who seeks to glorify God in everything he does. In addition to serving as president of the small media and information consulting firm Liberty Sentinel Media, Inc, he has written for a wide array of publications in the United States and abroad. He currently serves as a contributor to WND (World Net Daily), an education writer for FreedomProject Media, a foreign correspondent for The New American magazine, a contributor to the Law Enforcement Intelligence Brief, and more. He has also written for numerous newspapers and magazines such as the...
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