Articles by
Christians to the Closet?
By   |   01.30.15
Gay-rights activists have mocked the idea that gay marriage threatens religious liberty. But what they mean by religious liberty is no such thing.
New Year, Old Resolution
By   |   01.07.15
Every January we make new resolutions for the New Year. But maybe we need to return to an old one: DEFEND RELIGIOUS LIBERTY
Science Increasingly Makes the Case for God
By   |   12.29.14
In 1966 Time magazine ran a cover story asking: Is God Dead? Many have accepted the cultural narrative that he’s obsolete—that as science progresses, there is less need for a “God” to explain the universe. Yet it turns out that the rumors of God’s death were premature. More amazing is that the relatively recent case for his existence comes from a surprising place—science itself.
Different Is Better: The Ancient Church and Its Pagan Neighbors
By   |   11.25.14
For the first seventy or so years of Christianity’s existence, the Greco-Roman world paid it relatively little attention. There were persecutions here and there (like the one that claimed the lives of Peter and Paul). But, for the most part,...
Millennials and the Bible: Live Out the Faith So They Can Relate
By   |   11.21.14
Earlier this year, I told you about some of the challenges in reaching Millennials for Christ, that is, young adults aged roughly 18 to 33. While 55 percent of Baby Boomers say they’re religious, only 36 percent of Millennials do....
No Church, No Freedom
By   |   11.05.14
Regular readers have read John Stonestreet and me refer to religious freedom as the “first freedom.” You probably think that’s another way of saying that it’s the most important freedom. Well, it is. But it’s also the source of all...
Amazing Grace Amazingly Staged
By   |   10.29.14
Amazing Grace is now an amazing new musical. And a great reminder of why Christians need to be involved in the arts.
One Generation Away from Losing Our Freedom?
By   |   10.09.14
In 1967 Ronald Reagan said we’re never more than one generation away from losing our freedom. A new documentary shows why he was right.
No Disposable People
By   |   09.20.14
It’s easy to forget that every human being is made in God’s image—even those behind bars... The Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky once wrote that “the degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.”
Talking Science and Faith
By   |   09.19.14
So, are science and faith really at odds? Stephen Meyer, John Lennox and I will be tackling this and other questions on a national simulcast event this weekend.
Eugenics and Not-So Ancient History
By   |   09.15.14
We should applaud the newest memorial in Germany. A memorial in Berlin dedicated to the victims of the Nazi regime. Maybe we need one of our own.
Depression and Black Dog Beliefs
By   |   09.04.14
Yes, clinical depression is a serious medical condition. But what we believe also has a big role to play.
Hey, Kid, Put Down that Tablet
By   |   08.22.14
Parents seeking to restrict their children’s access to cell phones, tablets and electronic games have a surprising ally.
Gender Assignment as Russian Roulette
By   |   08.07.14
There are times when you have to read something two, three, maybe even four times to make sure it’s actually serious and not a joke—and even then you’re not certain. Such was the case with Christin Scarlett Milloy’s recent article...
Learning From Young Atheists: What Turned Them Off Christianity
By   |   08.04.14
It’s something most Christian parents worry about: You send your kids off to college and when they come back, you find they’ve lost their faith. The prospect of this happening is why many parents nudge their kids towards Christian colleges,...
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