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New Film Exposes and Mocks “Progressives”
By   |   07.19.14
Former FBI informant in the Weather Underground, Larry Grathwohl, is one of the stars of Joel Gilbert’s new film, “There’s No Place Like Utopia,” which is premiering in Denver on July 18th and then goes nationwide. Friday, July 18, also...
Dave Brat’s Moral Values Victory
By   |   06.14.14
Dave Brat’s victory over Eric Cantor (R-VA) was attributed to his Tea Party backing, when national groups like the Tea Party Patriots gave him no financial assistance at all. What the media ignored was his campaigning in local churches and...
Cop-Killer Was a Pothead
By   |   06.13.14
John Avlon’s dishonest column on the cop-killers in Las Vegas should be studied by journalism students as an example of how to exploit a tragedy for political purposes. It is a shame he gets on CNN as an “analyst,” which...
Maureen Dowd Suffers Pot Paranoia As Dopers Advance
By   |   06.07.14
NYT columnist says she was ‘curled up in a hallucinatory state’ for eight hours Maureen Dowd of The New York Times has attracted attention with her column about eating a marijuana candy bar and remaining in “a hallucinatory state for...
New Film Exposes Progressivism
By   |   05.31.14
The filmmaker who exposed Barack Obama’s Marxist background, and debt to a pro-Soviet Communist Party operative, is trying once again to wake up America. This time, Joel Gilbert is using Michael Moore-style cinematic tactics to expose President Obama, the progressives,...
A Ticker-tape Parade for Treason?
By   |   05.30.14
“For the foreseeable future,” says President Barack Obama, “the most direct threat to America at home and abroad remains terrorism.” Yet his remarks at the United States Military Academy Commencement Ceremony included no acknowledgement that NSA traitor Edward Snowden has...
How Democracies Perish
By   |   05.29.14
If you thought it was strange that conservative columnist Pat Buchanan has become a passionate defender of Vladimir Putin, brace yourself for the fact that “far-right” French politician Marine Le Pen has also praised the former KGB officer. Putin’s posture...
The Labor Union that Runs the Media
By   |   05.27.14
One of the major speakers at last week’s “New Populism” conference was Larry Cohen, president of the Communications Workers of America (CWA), a labor union which represents  on-line writers, reporters, editorial assistants, editorial artists and correspondents at major news organizations....
Soros-funded Liberals Abandon Ukraine to Putin
By   |   05.20.14
George Soros has been blamed by the pro-Russia crowd for sparking the anti-communist revolution in Ukraine. That was never the case, since Soros funded a small and largely ineffective non-governmental organization in Ukraine, the Renaissance Foundation. Now, a major Soros-funded...
Colombians Move into Colorado Marijuana Business
By   |   05.02.14
When Barack Obama said he would “fundamentally transform” the United States, few anticipated that the plan involved destroying the minds of young people through addictive substances. But after the expenditure of $250 million by Obama backer George Soros on behalf...
Pothead Gets 25 Years for Trying to Kill Obama
By   |   04.04.14
Marijuana, with its supposed medical benefits, has surfaced in yet another case of mental illness and violence. But this time, the target was President Obama, who now wants to make marijuana more freely available. Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez, who pleaded guilty...
Media Continue Cover-up of Marijuana-induced Mental Illness
By   |   03.28.14
When The Baltimore Sun ran an editorial about the Maryland mall shooter, who killed two people and then himself, the newspaper said that mental health problems need to be identified sooner. But it failed to breathe a word about killer...
Obama Encourages Drug Money Laundering
By   |   02.25.14
President Barack Obama’s administration has announced that it won’t enforce money-laundering laws against banks doing business with marijuana stores, in a move designed to “facilitate illegal conduct,” says U.S. Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) The Obama administration calls it “Guidance to...
Mall Shooter was a Pothead
By   |   02.04.14
The “sweet” young man who killed two people, and then himself, in a Maryland shopping mall on January 25 was a pothead. But the police revelation that the killer mentions “using marijuana” in a diary has been played down by...
Narco-Nation Comes to Colorado
By   |   11.15.13
The George Soros-funded marijuana movement has achieved enormous “progress” in the various states, especially Colorado, and the results are now starting to get some media attention. “Pot problems in Colorado schools increase with legalization” is the headline over a Denver...
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