Articles by David E. Smith
Jericho Prayer March in Springfield
By David E. Smith   |   06.09.21
Illinois Family Institute is calling for pro-family Illinoisans to rally at 410 E. Jackson St. from 11:30 AM until 12:30 PM to pray and recite scripture, to sing hope into darkness, and to call on the Lord’s blessing as we answer His call to “rescue the weak and the needy, and deliver them from the hand of the wicked.”
Thinking About Homeschooling? The 2021 ICHE Conference is This Weekend!
By David E. Smith   |   06.01.21
Parents across the state and nation have had enough of the COVID-19 lockdowns and the cancellation of numerous conferences and other events. Thankfully, it looks like we are slowly getting back to normal. That said, some public school districts are...
Cultural Collision: “Comprehensive” Sex Ed Passed in Illinois Senate
By David E. Smith   |   05.21.21
Our Springfield snollygosters are working tenaciously to provide Christian parents with a plethora of reasons to abandon government schools in Illinois. On Thursday afternoon, the Illinois Senate took up and debated another "comprehensive" sex education bill (SB 818) that so-called "progressives" and their evil allies are using to indoctrinate children starting in kindergarten.
The War on Children
By David E. Smith   |   05.11.21
No longer content with merely aborting millions of babies every year, Planned Parenthood and IPPF are vigorously promoting an agenda that sexualizes children and threatens their health, champions dangerous gender ideology, subverts the parent-child relationship, and violates parental rights.
Stop Lying to Us!
By David E. Smith   |   05.08.21
A couple of weeks ago, "Caitlyn" Jenner announced his intention to run for governor in California. Various establishment "news" outlets happily reported this development but, of course, intentionally used the wrong pronouns to identify Mr. Jenner in their stories. When Fox News started to use female pronouns in their broadcasts, I could take it no longer, so I sent the following message via webform:
The Importance of Praying for our Nation and Our Leaders
By David E. Smith   |   04.22.21
The story has been told of a foreign visitor who was being given a tour of Washington, D.C. by an American friend of hers. She was amazed at the size of the monuments, the buildings, and so forth. Then she...
U.S. House Passes “In-Equality” Act
By David E. Smith   |   02.26.21
On Thursday afternoon, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 224 to 206 to pass the so-called "Equality Act" (H.R. 5), which would enshrine “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” as legally protected classes in a myriad of federal laws. The vote fell along party lines, with only three Republicans voting with the Democratic majority, and two Republicans not voting.
Our Mighty God
By David E. Smith   |   02.08.21
Friend, I know it seems like the dark powers of evil are taking over. But we must remember that our Heavenly Father is still more powerful than anyone or anything in, above, or below this earth.
A Final Salute To A Pro-Life Champion
By David E. Smith   |   01.27.21
Joe Scheidler, sometimes referred to as the “godfather of pro-life activism,” was laid to rest earlier this week. He passed away on Monday, January 18th at his home. He was 93 years old.
(Anti) Police “Reform” Omnibus Bill
By David E. Smith   |   01.15.21
We are displeased to report that this week our state lawmakers passed a 700+ page police “reform” bill. This piece of legislation was passed in the final hours of the lame duck session of the 101st General Assembly. The proposal...
IFI Prayer Team:  Our Perfect Peace, Our Divided Nation
By David E. Smith   |   01.12.21
We all would agree that 2020 was an extremely difficult year.  And less then two weeks into the New Year, 2021 is off to a rough start as well. We are living in a time of uncertainty, confusion, and disappointment....
Lawmakers Want Mandatory Kindergarten in Illinois
By David E. Smith   |   01.08.21
Despite the COVID-19 lockdown, Illinois House members are headed to Springfield for a Lame Duck session. State Senator Kimberly Lightford (D-Chicago) is working to expand the state's compulsory school attendance laws, and in the process, diminish the rights of parents. In February 2019, she introduced a bill to lower the mandatory age for school attendance in Illinois from 6 to 5 years of age. This bill passed the Illinois Senate and is now pending in the Illinois House.
Wonderful News on Our Matching Challenge!
By David E. Smith   |   12.31.20
You’ll be happy to hear that The Illinois Family Institute has achieved our goal to raise $105,000 -- one day earlier than expected!  The response to this challenge match has been fantastic and encouraging.  THANK YOU to all who contributed!
A Conversation With Franklin Graham
By David E. Smith   |   12.29.20
Prior to the 2019 Illinois Family Institute Faith, Family, and Freedom Fall Banquet, Monte Larrick sat down with keynote speaker, the Rev. Franklin Graham to discuss what Americans can do to promote and protect faith, family, and freedom in our state and nation. Rev. Graham offers his position regarding the Church’s participation in the political process and its responsibility to confront today’s culture.
A Conversation with Pastor Douglas Wilson [Full Interview]
By David E. Smith   |   12.26.20
IFI was honored to have theologian, pastor, and courageous truth-teller Doug Wilson speak at our September banquet, after which he continued his critique of culture in an interview with Pastor Derek Buikema of the Orland Park Christian Reformed Church. Pastor...
David E. Smith
Executive Director
David  E. Smith

Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4).

David has 30 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes countless interviews for numerous radio, television, cable programs and newspaper articles on topics such as the sanctity of life, natural marriage, broadcast decency, sex education, marijuana, gambling, abortion, homosexuality, tax policy, drug decriminalization and pornography.

He and his wife of 29 years are blessed to be the parents of eight children. They strongly believe that their first duty before God is to disciple their children in the Christian faith, and impress a love of God on their hearts. There is a plethora of research that suggest that parents are the primary influencers in a child’s life. In an ideal world, that’s a mom and dad. Discipleship includes not only studying God’s Word but living a life of faith and walking in obedience to God. Discipleship is also necessary for sound doctrine, love of God and others. We do this in hopes of raising healthy and productive members of society who live to honor God and love their neighbors.

Dave has also served as a precinct committeeman and served as an ordained minister/elder in his local church.

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