All Articles : Page 78
What Was Sodom’s Sin?
By Calvin Lindstrom   |   08.10.22
Recently on social media and in the past, various people have claimed that Sodom was destroyed because the citizens of Sodom were not helping the poor... The city of Sodom is first mentioned in Scripture in Genesis 10:19. Three other cities were in the vicinity of Sodom: Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboiim. Often the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah are mentioned together but Sodom stands out in the listing of these cities and is mentioned the most of the four cities in Scripture - 49 times.
Top Reasons to Get Your Child OUT of Public School – NOW!
By Alex Newman   |   08.09.22
Far too many students in government schools are failing to meet proficiency standards in English Language Arts, Math and Science. Thanks to "progressive" educators and lawmakers, a major focus of "education" is now on social engineering, humanistic training, sexual immorality, revisionist history, (left-wing) political activism and other godless subject matters.
Living Books – The Essential Ingredient
By Lynn Bowman Tabb   |   08.08.22
The mind is capable of dealing with only one kind of food; it lives, grows and is nourished upon ideas and THAT is where we, the educators, can be of most use as we provide a rich cultural, natural and spiritual environment to be the brain food of our children or grandchildren... Literature is a unique form of culture in the homeschool.
Biden Showering Tax Money on Schools to Sideline Parents & Church
By Alex Newman   |   08.06.22
Massive new federal tax funding and grants announced by the Biden administration for “full-service community schools” and “mental health” schemes will accelerate the transformation of what passes for “education” in America — and not in a good way. Basically, parents and families are being sidelined and replaced as government becomes mommy, daddy, and even “god.”
The “Trans” Cult Marches On Even As Its Harms Are Exposed
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.05.22
A 25-year-old man who pretends to be a woman was kicked off a community college campus in Texas and charged with a class C misdemeanor for allegedly choking a 17-year-old female student. Like the teen victim, the strange adult man who goes by the name Averie Chanel Medlock was a member of the women’s cheerleading team. Medlock complained that the teen girl said he is a man—which he is—and that he has a penis—which he presumably does.
It Is Time to Exit Illinois Public Schools: A Businessman’s Perspective
By Tom Burrows   |   08.04.22
Business leaders are tasked with developing and executing strategies that lead to desired results, namely, to maximize shareholder value in a manner that is honest, moral, and upright.  Successful businesses measure their performance in a myriad of ways and use these results to implement changes, if needed, to achieve desired results... Why is this not the case for the Illinois Public School system?
The Newest Member of Biden’s Stable of Degenerates
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.03.22
There is no degrading depth to which the Biden administration will not sink in its effort to appease sexual deviants and promote sexual deviance while concomitantly offending deplorables of every color. No, I’m not talking about Biden’s appointment of Dr. “Rachel” Levine... Nor am I talking about Sam Brinton...
A Win for Religious Exemptions
By Lynn Bowman Tabb   |   08.02.22
In a win for religious freedom, Liberty Counsel just settled a $10.3 million class-action lawsuit on behalf of 500 current and former healthcare workers who were denied religious exemptions regarding the COVID shot mandate. Of the 500 workers involved in the suit, half had quit or were let go and the rest took the shot. North Shore University Health will pay $10,337,500 in compensation to these health care employees who were punished for their religious belief that it is wrong to receive an injection associated with aborted fetal cells. 
How Gambling Can Destroy Students
When discussing covetousness, Christians often cite 1 Timothy 6:10 which states, “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils.” However, many often forget to mention the preceding verse: “But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction.” The Bible clearly warns us about the evils inherent within the relentless pursuit of wealth, and this teaching should be applied when individuals consider gambling. As a college student who has watched a number of friends become compulsive gamblers, I hope and pray that my peers will internalize the Lord’s advice and refrain from engaging in such a destructive habit.
A Biblical Perspective to Senseless Violence
By Calvin Lindstrom   |   07.28.22
On July 4, 2022, more than 80 rounds of ammunition were fired into the crowds watching the Highland Park July 4th Parade. Seven were killed and dozens were injured in this perverse attack. Predictably, many on the left were again calling for increased gun control. What is a Christian response to the violence that plagues our nation?
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