All Articles : Page 64
When Pro-Abortion Doublespeak Puts Orwell to Shame
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   01.21.23
In the latest example of pro-abortion doublespeak, U.S. Representative Jerrold Nadler (D-New York) stated that a proposed bill requiring hospital care for babies who survive abortion is “dangerous.”

Seriously?! Mandating hospital care could be dangerous for the baby?
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday: Being A Deliberate Pro-Life Advocate
By David E. Smith   |   01.20.23
In the wake of SCOTUS decision to strike down Roe v. Wade and the so-called "right" to abortion, we praise God for how dozens of states in the nation have moved to ban or greatly restrict this heinous practice. In blue states like Illinois however, those who love death are busy establishing new death chambers, expanding to strategic new locations and inviting people over the state line to destroy innocent human life. As we once again recognize Sanctity of Human Life Sunday (January 22, 2023), Christ followers must respond intentionally, bringing both salt and light to this desperate situation.
Thomas More Society Attorneys Drop Bombshell Evidence in Biden DOJ’s Persecution of Pro-Life Dad
Lawyers for Mark Houck, a pro-life father of seven being prosecuted by the Biden administration, dropped bombshell evidence in defense of the pro-life advocate at a January 17, 2023, pretrial hearing in Philadelphia. Thomas More Society attorneys produced new evidence – never before considered by a federal court – that when the United States Congress passed the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, it expressly intended to exclude so-called “escorts” operating outside of abortion facilities from being encompassed by the FACE Act.
LEFTISM: A Study in Hate
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   01.17.23
Many people throw the word “hate” around frequently and carelessly. One must wonder if they know what it means.  Examine a dictionary and you will discover it associated with words like intense dislike, detest, and loath. In the Bible the word is sometimes used to refer to the results of foolish actions, such as stating that a parent who fails to discipline a child hates him, because an undisciplined child is at great risk. A spoiled child, who does not get something he wants from a parent, such as a toy, may complain that the parent “hates” him! Much like Leftists who claim that those who resist their immorality “hate” them! Like anarchists they demand the freedom to do whatever they wish.
Call-to-Prayer: 103rd Illinois General Assembly Begins
By Calvin Lindstrom   |   01.15.23
The famous quote often misattributed to Albert Einstein defines insanity as “Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Living as Christians in the rebellious state of Illinois often feels like we are surrounded by insanity.
Killing Newborn Babies
By Dr. Jerry Newcombe   |   01.14.23
America’s two founding documents have important bearing on the subject of abortion. The Declaration of Independence acknowledges that we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights. The first right enumerated is the “right to life.” The founders didn’t grant this right. They simply acknowledged it and spelled it out in our founding documents.
CCP Proves ‘Climate’ Fight Not Really About Climate
By Alex Newman   |   01.13.23
You don’t have to be a climate scientist to know the ringleaders of the “climate change” bandwagon don’t truly believe the narrative they’re selling.

And it’s not just because they jet around the world in private jets to lecture you about your car and your hamburgers.
Springfield Abortion Apostles Expand Baby Murder
By David E. Smith   |   01.12.23
Just when you think Illinois couldn’t do more for Big Abortion Inc. than it already has, Illinois Democrats passed a Planned Parenthood “wish list” on the last day of the lame duck session. On Tuesday afternoon, January 10th, the Illinois...
Illinois Buzzards Want Your Kids
By Laurie Higgins   |   01.11.23
There’s a grand act of un-creation taking place all across this nation. Leftists are busy with this ugly business of un-creating decency, order, justice, compassion, and beauty, and children play a central role in this ugly business. To leftists, children...
SpeakOut Illinois 2023 Conference
By David E. Smith   |   01.10.23
SpeakOut Illinois will be hosting its annual conference and memorial to the victims of legalized abortion on Saturday, February 25, 2023 at Drury Lane in Oakbrook Terrace.
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