All Articles : Page 43
The Frightening Deterioration of Professional Medical Ethics
By Nancy Valko   |   07.26.23
When I went to nursing school in 1967, abortion was illegal in the U.S. and so-called “back alley” abortions were universally condemned.

The American Medical Association was established in 1847 and the “AMA was keen to be taken seriously as a gatekeeper of the medical profession, and abortion services made midwives and other irregular practitioners—so-called quacks—an easy target.”
Abortion Disempowers Women
By Ecce Verum   |   07.25.23
Accessible abortion gives women power, or so they say. As they put it, a baby on the way potentially jeopardizes a woman's professional career or even her social life. In short, if women aren't able to decide when to—excuse the euphemism—"terminate their pregnancies," then they are necessarily reduced to second-class citizens who cannot control their future.
How Companies Can Update Religious Accommodation Policies
The landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling in the Faithful Carrier case (Groff v. DeJoy) changed the legal standard for religious accommodation at work. This will impact all businesses with 15 or more employees.
Why Are SO Many People SO Angry?
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   07.22.23
If there is one emotion that has risen to the surface in recent years in America, it is anger. There is anger on the streets. There is anger online. There is anger wherever we turn. What is the source of it?
King Manasseh and Mayor Brandon
By Calvin Lindstrom   |   07.21.23
The Old Testament chapter of 2 Kings 21 is dedicated to the most wicked king of Judah/Israel, who was named Manasseh. His father, Hezekiah, had been one of the greatest and most faithful kings. What a horrible reversal in just one generation... I share this history as a sad illustration and comparison to Mayor Brandon Johnson of Chicago....
Keys to Our Future: Faith in God, Strong Families, Respect for Life
The Problem Solvers Coalition Conference on The Family is a three-day event convening at The Hilton Chicago/Oaklawn from September 21-23, 2023 and will present a marvelous panel of local and national speakers with specific expertise addressing each plank of the Family Life platform.
American Education
Historically, education was built upon a foundation of the past wherein it was understood that the learning of the ancients gave wisdom to those who hoped to build for the future. Once upon a time, education meant that children were taught to read,[1] write, and count so that they could function in the world of adults and provide a living for themselves, and their families along with being a benefit to society. It was nothing new!
The Christian’s Political Mandate
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   07.20.23
I have had many people tell me that they cannot believe how quickly the Left has been able to bring death and destruction to American cities the last several years, and worse, that so many shrug it all off as nothing.  But those of us who have kept a finger on America’s cultural pulse know that this has been a long time coming. 
The Trinity In Salvation (Part 1)
By David Lovi   |   07.19.23
The Christian faith is monotheistic – that is – we believe in only ONE God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We can say “Amen” to the Shema of Deuteronomy 6:4, “Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Ecḥad - "Hear, O Israel: the LORD is our God, the LORD is One."
4 in 10 Brown University Students Now Identify as LGBTQ+: Poll
By Alex Newman   |   07.18.23
The number of Brown University students identifying as homosexual, bisexual, or transgender has more than doubled since 2010, according to a new poll commissioned by a student-run paper. A decade ago, just 14 percent of students there claimed in polls to be LGBT. Today, almost 40 percent identify with one of the letters, according to the Brown Daily Herald’s Spring 2023 poll released last month.  
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