All Articles : Page 14
Praising God, Proper Perspective, & Pressing Forward: What Christian Americans Must (Continue to) Do
By Brandon Myers   |   11.08.24
In many ways the Lord has answered our prayers and been merciful to us as a nation. Praise be to the God of heaven for His kindness and blessings! We did not deserve this—never forgot it.
Government Schools Spent Billions Fighting Parents, Study Shows
By Alex Newman   |   11.07.24
Government school districts across America spent a staggering $3.2 billion of taxpayer money last year fighting against parents and school board members concerned about the indoctrination and sexualization of children, according to a new study that examined costs nationwide. Critics blasted education officials over the news.
Put Woke Phone Companies on Silent
By Alyssa Sonnenburg   |   11.06.24
It seems as though every crevice of our society has been infested with “wokeness.” Unfortunately, our phone service providers are no exception.
Self Evident: What Is Happening In The Middle East?
By Alyssa Sonnenburg   |   11.05.24
What exactly is happening in the Middle East? Maia Poet is a former Israeli civilian and, in this episode, Maia delves into the horrific realities of what happened on October 7th.
What’s at Stake in the Current Election?
By Dr. Jerry Newcombe   |   11.04.24
It seems like a cliché to say that this is the most important election in our lifetime. But it feels like that right now. Here are a few different things I think are at stake in 2024, of importance to those who share a Biblical worldview..
Pray, Vote, Pray Some More!
By David E. Smith   |   11.02.24
As we draw closer to the General Election, most Christians recognize the many serious cultural and spiritual troubles facing our nation. But new elected officials will not solve the deep-seeded problems we are facing as a people. We are the salt of the earth, and we are called to pray without ceasing, recognizing that "we do not wrestle against flesh and blood."
Staying Informed and Voting
By Brandon Myers   |   11.02.24
If you claim the name of Jesus Christ and consider Him your Lord and Savior, your Master and your King, or even if you are just a U.S. citizen with common sense and respect for our nation’s heritage and the Christian faith of many of your neighbors, I pray you are informed on the upcoming election and ready to vote
What’s the Issue with Contraception?
By Ecce Verum   |   11.02.24
In a couple of previous articles, we looked at an intriguing push for male contraceptives. In that article, I emphasized that the push for male contraceptives seems to be yet another example of The Lie—the idea that men and women are exactly alike in every way. 
Vote Once, Please!
One of our Facebook friends, with whom I served on a church council, posted an invitation to visit his church on October 20th for a “politically” themed sermon. Oh, that can be dangerous.
America’s Political Skepticism
By Ecce Verum   |   10.31.24
Gallup recently published some statistics about Americans’ trust in public institutions. The numbers aren't pretty. Less than half of Americans trust the legislative branch, the executive branch, the judicial branch, political candidates, the federal government's handling of domestic or international problems, or the mass media.
IFI Featured Video
Dr Stephen Smart on pro suicide legislation. State Lawmakers are Considering The End-of-life Options Act. This Legislation Puts Your Life at Risk. Please Watch This Video and Call Your State Lawmakers. Tell Them to Vote no on the “End-of-life Options Act” For Lawmaker Names And Phone-numbers go to Officials Finder
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