All Articles : Page 14
The Key to Our National Motto
By Dr. Jerry Newcombe   |   04.15.24
As well know, the Francis Scott Key Bridge was destroyed recently, and already the woke elites are calling for it to be renamed. Key, who wrote what became the basis for our National Motto, was a man of his times. And those times don’t measure up to today’s standards. So off with his head, metaphorically speaking.
The Family in America
By Walker Wildmon   |   04.13.24
Much is going on in our country. Some of it is positive and some of it is negative. Something that seems to get little attention, at least in the media, is how our families are doing. What is the status of the family in America?
What Are You Buying Into?
By Ecce Verum   |   04.13.24
Have you ever wondered why so many companies invest so much energy and resources into being woke? After all, business seems like it should be about, well, business! Basic economics tells us that resources are always scarce, and the goal of a successful corporation is to use its resources more effectively than its competitors and thus make a profit.
Dr. Lauren Rubal: Ethical Considerations on Fertility
By David E. Smith   |   04.12.24
It's not enough to know that we have the scientific ability to do something. We must also think about the moral significance of the thing we choose to do. The artificial reproduction technology known as IVF is no exception. If anything, it is the quintessential example; what may seem to be a miracle of science of infertile couples actually brings with it a host of severe moral complications.
Media Neglect and Presidential Betrayal
By David E. Smith   |   04.12.24
While the corporate media is hyperventilating about threats to so-called “abortion rights,” we are hearing very little about the dangerous situation that has been created by the Biden Administration's open borders policy. For example, have you even heard about the illegal immigrant from Lebanon caught sneaking over the border last month? 
Number of Students Absent from School Skyrockets
By Alex Newman   |   04.11.24
More than one in four students enrolled in government schools nationwide are now considered “chronically absent,” up from just 15 percent before the tyrannical response to COVID, revealed an analysis of data from almost 40 states.
What to Say?
I saw a Facebook post recently re-shared by a friend I admire. You will need to read it all the way through to get the gist of it. Since it was a public post, here’s some of it:
“Woke Folk” in Christian Education
Despair and disdain over the cultural moment grow more common with every passing day. Listening to news outlets brings a fog of disbelief and discouragement. Has the world gone insane? Much of the babble billowing across the airwaves invokes words, such as charlatan, libertine, racist, bigot, reprobate, deplorable, ingrate, selfishness and envy, as apt descriptions of the proponents and their propositions.
We’re Losing the Children
By Thomas Hampson   |   04.09.24
What are we doing to our children? Today, children are told—starting at 3 or 4 years old—that we don’t really know if they are a boy or a girl. The doctor just guessed based on their appearance when they were born. Over the next few years, they are told, it is up to the child to discover if they are a boy, a girl, non-binary, fluid, or something else altogether.
How to Pray with Power
By Brandon Myers   |   04.08.24
Many, if not most (dare I say all of us), who belong to Christ need to pray more. We need to call upon the Lord with confidence that He cares more than we do. He knows more than we do. He has resources far beyond what we have, and He is far more just, wise, loving, and kind than any of us are. Prayer cannot be an afterthought for the believer.
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