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Discerning Between Healthy vs. Unhealthy Churches
January 31 @ 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

The Christian Emergency League and New Hope Community Church will host a conversation among local pastors focusing on the biblical indicators of both healthy and unhealthy churches.

What does a healthy church believe? What does a healthy church do?
What are signs of an unhealthy church? How can a Christian know where their local church is at currently and is headed?

New Hope Community Church
1023 E Palatine Rd
Palatine, IL 60074
6:30 PM
Refreshments will be served

In the last few years much has come out about the health of the Christian church in the United States of America. The State of Theology Survey (produced by Ligonier Ministries) has noted that many of today’s churches are destitute in discipleship and biblical literacy. Moreover, recent cultural events have raised questions for Christ’s church like:

  • Does biblical justice demand that Christians support Critical Race Theory, Black Lives Matter and defunding the police?
  • Did the COVID-19 Pandemic show us loving your neighbor = wear the mask and get the vax?
  • Are “Pride” Proclamations celebrating LGTBQ+ and urging all citizens to as well simply matters of Christian conscience and individual liberty?
  • Should every human being. born and unborn, be given the same protections under our laws?

Some may wonder what these questions have to do with church. But the better question is: how does your church and your leaders respond to these and other cultural flashpoints? Others issues to consider:

  • When should someone who claims the name of Christ be put under church discipline?
  • Does your church even practice church discipline?
  • Can a true Christian vote for a Democrat candidate (in light of the radical godless, Christ and truth rejecting agenda they openly support)?
  • Should a self-professing Christian who votes for a candidate affiliated with the party that openly rejects God’s truths be put under church discipline? Does it even matter?

Is asking these questions legalism or wisdom? These kinds of questions are important for Christ’s church to think through and consider. The true church of the risen Lord Jesus Christ must prioritize the primacy of the Word of God above all. It’s critically important that professing Christians be reformed according to the Bible and the Bible alone.

Without hesitation or embarrassment, we must submit ourselves, our churches, our practices, our traditions, and our ministries to the standard of God’s Holy Word. And with the help of the Holy Spirit, continually move in a faithful God-honoring direction under God’s grace in Christ.

Join us as we spend time considering what a healthy and an unhealthy church is and the solutions to make things right.

On January 31, at 6:30 p.m. at New Hope Community Church we will discuss what faithful churches and faithful believers look like.

This is a vitally important conversation on multiple levels and will affect our witness and impact for Christ and His Kingdom. We hope you will join us for this time of sharpening, reflection, conversation, and most of all biblically rooted, truth-driven reform.

There will be ample opportunity for Q&A.

Refreshments will be provided.

Bring friends and neighbors to this important and timely event!

Soli Deo Gloria


January 31
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
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New Hope Community Church
1023 E Palatine Rd
Palatine, IL 60074 United States
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