Help Stop IRS Shutdown of Voter Guides, Voter Registration Drives
Help Stop IRS Shutdown of Voter Guides, Voter Registration Drives
Written By Tim Wildmon   |   01.24.14
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The IRS is proposing regulations that will give them the authority to restrict voter guides, legislative scorecards, get-out-the-vote campaigns and even the voter registration activities of non-profit groups by defining such civic engagement as “candidate-related political activity.”

Many, including AFA, believe these rules are an attempt to shut down conservative organizations like AFA, Family Research Council, Concerned Women for America and state groups like Illinois Family Institute.

American Family Association General Counsel Patrick Vaughn says, “The proposed regulations are consistent with the IRS’ scandalous suppression of Tea Party applications for tax exemption. The IRS seems to have decided that it may have to process Tea Party applications, but it can render the organizations impotent.” OneNewNow story here.

Read Mr. Vaughn’s summary of the regulations here.

If this policy is adopted, groups like your AFA would no longer be able to distribute voter guides, promote voter registration, report voting records of elected officials, or even mention the names of candidates who are running for election.

Eventually, these rules could filter down to churches, simply at the whim of the IRS, basically silencing conservatives and Christians for exercising their patriotic and civic freedoms.

The IRS is taking public comments about its proposal. Make sure your voice is heard!

Take ACTION:  Please take a moment to copy and paste the sample letter (or create your own) to the IRS comment form at this site:!submitComment;D=IRS-2013-0038-0001

AFA has prepared a sample letter for you to submit to the IRS, urging them to reject regulations that would suppress the freedom of speech during election periods.


I urge the IRS to reject proposed regulations found in REG-134417-13. It would restrict good citizenship by redefining all voter registration, non-partisan voter guides, legislative records, candidate debates or forums, get-out-the-vote reminders, even the mention of any issue that has been raised by a candidate as regulated political activity.

In addition, the proposed regulation will stifle the ability of non-profit groups to inform citizens about the Administration’s judicial and political appointment by redefining those nominees as political candidates.  This provision of the proposal has nothing to do with accountability for election spending. It will however reduce the Administration’s accountability to the public.  Citizens have the right to hear more than the Administration’s line regarding what philosophies, policies, agendas political appointees represent.  

Most concerning, REG-134417-13 gives the appearance that the IRS is trying to adopt regulations to achieve the same goals that motivated it to hold-up granting the applications of conservative organizations and launch intrusive investigations of Tea Party applicants.

Tim Wildmon
Tim Wildmon is president of American Family Association (AFA) and American Family Radio (AFR). AFA is a pro-family advocacy organization with over two million online supporters and approximately 150,000 subscribers...
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