PODCAST: Leftist Lawmakers and Activists Call for the Cancellation of All History Classes

Before you read this, you might want to have a fire extinguisher at the ready, because this news just may light your hair on fire. State Representative La Shawn K. Ford (D-Chicago) held a press conference on Sunday in which he called for all Illinois schools to cease teaching history because he’s “Concerned that current school history teaching leads to white privilege and a racist society.” In a press release titled in part “Call for the Abolishment of History Classes in Illinois Schools,” Ford proclaimed from his high horse,…

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Laurie's Chinwags
Laurie's Chinwags
PODCAST: Leftist Lawmakers and Activists Call for the Cancellation of All History Classes
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Leftist Lawmakers and Activists Call for Cancellation of All History Classes
Leftist Lawmakers and Activists Call for Cancellation of All History Classes
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