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Ministry Partner


I am praying that you will put into action
the generosity that comes from your faith
as you understand and experience all
the good things we have in Christ.
The Apostle Paul to Philemon in Philemon 6

Illinois Family Institute works hard to alert you to the threats facing religious liberty, marriage, family, and the sanctity of life in Illinois. We need you to become an IFI Ministry Partner — by giving a suggested donation of at least $50 annually to help us meet the cost of daily operations. This is less than .97 cents per week! This is very doable and absolutely essential in making IFI’s work more successful.

Become an IFI Ministry Partner today by sending a tax-deductible check for $50 or more to:

Illinois Family Institute
P.O. Box 876
Tinley Park, Illinois 60477

You can also donate online by clicking HERE.

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2025 Homeschool Lobby Day Recap
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