
Most regrettably Americans in pursuit of real news find themselves assaulted, thwarted by “journalism” void of principle, saturated by biased agendas not objectivity.

Character assassination elevated to a cheesy spectator sport dominates the airways with truth and clarity the obvious casualties.

Enter 2020, without question the most critical election of our lifetime shaping the future of our fragile yet thriving Republic.  It falls to every American to stay the course, sorting out fact from salacious rumor and destructive falsehood.

See this impeachment charade as the farce it has become:  a last gasp effort by an opposition party desperate to minimize, vilify the successes of the last three years.  Honor the diligence, sacrifice of our Founders whose blood and toil purchased the American dream of limitless opportunity unencumbered by an overbearing government.

Commit to engaging reality to keep America great.

William G. Parrot
McHenry County

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