Body Count
Body Count

As the self-inflicted hostage crisis muddles into its tenth week, feckless politicians sprint for tall grass to conceal their incompetence & duplicity…

  • Boarded up parishes next door to financially-thriving abortion clinics
  • Conscience depraved policy wonks ingratiating a holocaust in our backyards
  • Wanton slaughter condoned by a woefully misinformed, demonstrably an indifferent populace huddled in masked silence pleading for ‘permission’ to inhale & exhale.

Bar graphs, pie-charts & worthless models explode across our widescreen hi-def monitors as we quietly, willfully exterminate twice as many innocent lives as are taken in pandemic hysteria… in a totally preventable act of mindless convenience in the name of “choice.”

Someday soon, we pray, we’ll awaken to the fact that we’ve executed a future Nobel laureate epidemiologist discovering a lifesaving vaccine, a charismatic faith leader awakening the masses to truth & redemption or even a virtuous, selfless elected official capable of thoughtful, principled leadership in crisis driven times such as these.

William G. Parrot
McHenry County

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