Written by Pastor Ceasar LeFlore
Faith in God, Strong Families, and Respect for Life
are the Keys to Our Future. Without Them We Have No Hope!
The Biblical family is both God’s idea and His ideal. It is the foundation upon which God set out to build a righteous society consisting of healthy cells which we call families. The family is the core of every community, and just as healthy cells are needed for one to have a healthy body, so must society have communities built upon strong, healthy families to thrive and survive.
The Problem Solvers Coalition Conference on The Family is a three-day event convening at The Hilton Chicago/Oaklawn from September 21-23, 2023, and will present a marvelous panel of local and national speakers with specific expertise addressing each plank of the Family Life platform. This platform will contribute to developing a workplan for corporate implementation that will address the urgent needs of the declining family.
These planks will include:
Plank #1: Highlight the indisputable inherent value of the Biblical family – What does a healthy family look like, and what does it produce.
Plank #2: Highlight the causes of the decline of the family – What government policies, economic challenges, educational influences, and cultural changes have led to the rapid decline of the nuclear family, especially the black family which now has a 72% illegitimacy rate.
Plank #3: Highlight the Solutions to Rebuilding the Family – What are the processes and projects needed to rebuild, rebirth, and revive the sacred institution of the Biblical family. These solutions must include faith, political, educational, and cultural solutions.
For more details about attendance and sponsorship of the Problems Solvers Coalition Conference on the Family click HERE.
4 Specific Areas of Focus
Governmental Policies
There will be speakers and breakouts that focus on addressing governmental policies that undermine the family, and how to create strategies to support and elect pro-family candidates for state and federal offices.
Confirmed speakers and leaders in this category are former State Rep Jeanne Ives, David Smith of the Illinois Family Institute, former Lt. Governor Candidate Stephanie Trussell, and Dr. Eric Wallace of Freedoms Journal Institute.
The targeted outcome of this segment is to begin building stronger coalitions and strategies to identify and elect conservative, pro-family candidates with the ultimate faith goal of changing the political landscape of Illinois from its current deep leftist blue condition, especially in Cook County, into a more God-fearing government that places life and family values at the top of their political platforms.
Pro-Life / Pro-Family
Without question abortion is one of the leading causes of rot and decay to the American family, especially among black and brown communities. This segment will include speakers and breakouts that will highlight abortion’s negative impact on families in spiritual, economic, and cultural ways; and devise strategies that will unite and make more impactful existing pro-life ministries in Illinois.
Speakers in this segment are Dr. Alveda King of Speak for Life, Pastor Stephen Broden of the Salt & Light Council, Charles and Barbara Thomas of The North Baton Rouge Women’s Help Center, and Pastor Ceasar I. LeFlore of Illinois Family Institute. Also featured in this segment is a special award and celebration of the life and career of the late Joseph Scheidler of the Pro-Life Action League.
Rescuing our Children (Education)
The anti-God / anti-America indoctrination of our children in our government school system is wreaking havoc on all our precious foundational values and is causing our children to turn away from the Judeo/Christian faith, the traditional patriarchy, and American patriotism. The inappropriate sexualization of children through an increasing aggressive LGBTQ lobby combined with the massive failure rates in all educational categories serve to highlight just how important it is for families to regain control of their children’s education. A public-school exodus is already a strategy that is in place and facilitated by many of the presenters in this category.
The confirmed speakers in this segment are Minister Latasha Fields of Christian Home Educators Support System (CHESS), Tom Burrows, Good Soil Good Seed Foundation. As they confirm, others will be added.
A special feature in this segment will be a fundraiser for the Good Soil Good Seed Foundation in support of their efforts to award one million dollars per year in start up grants for private Christian schools and scholarships to low-income families who desire a private Christian education for their children. There will also be recognition of award recipients for 2023, and a special recognition award to a selected pioneer in Christian Education.
Faith in Action
Psalm 11:3 says: “When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do.”
We strongly believe that the answers to every problem in the world can be found in the Kingdom of God. This segment of the conference is being sponsored by the Faith Leadership Alliance, a growing national network of pastors and faith leaders who are committed to become a connected community in Christ who operate in support of each other in advancing the principles of the Kingdom of God [Matthew 6:33}.
The confirmed speakers for this segment are Pastor Corey Brooks of Project Hood and New Beginnings Church, Bishop Aubrey Shines of Conservative Clergy of Color, and Pastor Charles Moody of Chicago City Life Church and the Life Center.
Other confirmed speakers include: Jon Anthony, host of “Black and Right” podcast, Jonathan Alexandre, senior counsel for governmental affairs at Liberty Counsel, Catherine Davis, President of Restoration Project, and Dr. John Diggs, Board Certified Physician.
Redeeming The Promise of Chicago
The Problem Solvers Conference is more than a three-day event. It is the kick-starter to our Redeeming the Promise of Chicago Campaign: a yearlong series of events, meetings, and other initiatives organized by us, facilitated by our network of collaborative groups, and presented systematically over a 12-month period in the Chicago-land area.
This campaign will launch immediately following the Conference, utilizing various formats and events to identify and collaborate with like-minded individuals and organizations who would desire to provide divinely inspired responses to the vast stream of violence, discord. and negativity associated with Chicago, Illinois.
These partnerships will make up the Problem Solvers Coalition and will represent part of the growing national relationships that we will cultivate and nurture to expand our national reach and impact.
The specific target markets in Chicago will include the depressed areas within urban communities in the city, and surrounding suburbs. The deliverables will include an expressed faith commitment to work in unity on specific developed work plans designed to see measurable changes in every aspect of communal life in Chicago, to include family health, religious freedom, and quality education choices for children and families.
We believe that through the Power of God operating within those of us who would trust Him and come together in unity, Chicago could become a City of Great Promise that could serve as an inspiration to other cities around the country, including those in which we would be planning similar events.
In essence, we envision God using our efforts to identify, aggregate, and boost the effectiveness of individuals, organizations, and ministries who are already working to see a massive wave of redemption and correction sweep over Chicago by setting things right that have gone so horribly wrong.
For more details about attendance and sponsorship of the Problems Solvers Coalition Conference on the Family click HERE.
We are optimistic that many of the invited speakers will confirm their attendance. Only those confirmed have been listed above.
Speakers not yet confirmed:
U.S. Senator Tim Scott, South Carolina (invited)
Illinois State Rep Tim Ozinga (invited)
Dr. Johnny Hunter, LEARN (invited)
Bishop John Alexander, Great Lakes Region of The Church of God in Christ (invited)
Dr. Gene Crume, President of Judson University (invited)
Virginia Lt. Governor Winsome Sears (invited)
Kirk Cameron (invited)