DCFS’ Assault on Religious Liberty
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.12.11
On July 8, 2011, Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) director, Erwin McEwen, sent a letter to a Catholic Charities director in which he said that DCFS is denying Catholic Charities foster care and adoption contracts because Catholic...
Christian Apologist Frank Turek Fired for Beliefs
By Laurie Higgins   |   06.30.11
Many Christians are familiar with the apologetic work of Dr. Frank Turek. Many, however, are unaware that he was recently fired by Cisco Systems because of his religious and political beliefs about homosexuality -- beliefs that Dr. Turek did not bring to the workplace.
Churches Call for Chaplain Conscience Protections
By David E. Smith   |   06.13.11
A group of religious denominations that provide chaplains to the U.S. military are calling for the establishment of new conscience protections for members of the chaplain corps. Twenty-two chaplaincy endorsers have sent a joint letter to the chief chaplains of...
Catholic Leaders Take Legal Action Over Risk of Losing Foster Care Services
From the Thomas More Society Catholic Charities in Illinois Seek Remedy for Best Interests of Children, Families (SPRINGFIELD, IL) Leaders of three Catholic dioceses – the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois, Peoria and Joliet – took legal action today as...
Catholic Citizens of Illinois Commends Action Taken by Rockford Diocese
Because of the Illinois legislature’s failure to enact an explicit amendment to the new Illinois Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Unions Act, Catholic Citizens of Illinois commends the action taken by the Diocese of Rockford to discontinue offering state-funded adoption...
Eroding Religious Liberty & Freedom of Conscience
By David E. Smith   |   06.03.11
On February 4, 2009 openly gay State Representative Greg Harris (D-Chicago) introduced a bill to legalize same-sex “marriage” in Illinois. On February 18, 2009 — recognizing that homosexual “marriage” has very little support in the Illinois General Assembly, Rep. Harris...
Judge Finds Christians Have a Right to Share Their Faith at Public Street Festival
Mauck & Baker attorneys obtain summary judgment on the unconstitutionality of the City of Chicago’s policy. CHICAGO – On May 31, 2011, Pastor Frank Teesdale and his attorneys at Mauck & Baker, LLC, received the good news from the United...
Dan Proft Explains How Special Homosexual “Rights” Laws Diminish Religious Freedom
By David E. Smith   |   05.28.11
Conservative radio host and a former republican candidate for Illinois governor Dan Proft debated homosexual activist Anthony Martinez of The Civil Rights Agenda about gay “rights” and civil unions last night on FOX Chicago News: http://www.clipsyndicate.com/video/playlist/18565/2501527?cpt=8&title=new_gay_news&wpid=3139  ...
Major Religious Freedom Case to be Argued Monday
Kelly Shackelford, head of the pro-family Free Market Foundation in Texas says a case to be argued next Monday is “the biggest case in the country on religious freedom.” Government officials are arguing that elementary school students have NO First...
Homosexual Activists Go After Illinois Religious Organizations
By Laurie Higgins   |   03.03.11
Homosexual activists emboldened by Illinois’ civil union law are attempting to force Christian agencies that receive state funds to license foster families either to place children with homosexuals or lose state funding, which would jeopardize the placements of thousands of...
FRC Condemns Obama Administration’s Weakening of Conscience Protections for Medical Professionals
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Family Research Council condemned today’s decision by the Obama administration to eliminate key provisions of a Bush administration regulation that enforced laws protecting the conscience rights of medical professionals who oppose abortion. Family Research Council President Tony...
Manhattan Declaration App Pulled by Apple
By David E. Smith   |   12.06.10
Last week Apple removed the Manhattan Declaration iPhone/iPad application from the iTunes Store. This was apparently done in response to small, but vocal group of people who complained that the declaration amounts to hate speech for its stance against homosexual...
Is Living by the Dictates of the Christian Faith Punishable by the Government?
By David E. Smith   |   10.28.10
In an alarming story, a woman in Grand Rapids, Michigan is facing possible charges from the state Department of Civil Rights for expressing her Christian faith, not in the public square but in church!. The 31 year-old woman has been...
Atheist Pushes His Im-morality and Ir-religion
By   |   08.21.10
In a recent meeting of the Marion City Council, local resident Ken Kessler proposed erecting a display of the Ten Commandments that would stand in a public square. There have been two meetings so far where the issue has been...
IFI Update: Regarding Dr. Howell at U of I
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.30.10
Yesterday we mentioned the good news regarding the rehiring of University of Illinois adjunct professor, Dr. Kenneth Howell, a Catholic professor who was fired for teaching Catholic Doctrine. Well, some are concerned about the new conditions attendant to Dr. Howell’s...
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