“Holy Sexuality:” The Quest for Clarity in Today’s Age of Confusion
By Alyssa Sonnenburg   |   05.24.24
Most everyone would agree that sexual ethics is an area of confusion in today’s age. Can men become women? Is homosexuality really that bad? Can I change my gender? Does sex mean anything, or is it just a bodily function?
The Cost of Living (Very) “Comfortably”
By David E. Smith   |   05.24.24
Last month, a financial site for consumer-focused financial information called SmartAsset released a new study regarding the cost of living for a family of four. The wildly subjective report has a very generous standard for what they label as living “comfortably.”
Protecting Child Sacrifice and Mandating Indoctrination
By David E. Smith   |   05.23.24
We knew the last week of the scheduled session of the Illinois General Assembly would be rough for pro-family conservatives, and we are sorry to report that two terrible bills are now on their way to Governor JB Pritzker's desk, where he is sure to sign them into law.
You DO Have God-Given Rights
By Oliver Perry   |   05.23.24
In her interview on MSNBC, the Politico reporter Heidi Przybyla said this about Christians who look to God for their rights.
By Kathy Valente   |   05.20.24
This is the last week of session. They are scheduled to adjourn on Friday, May 24th. There are two new bills that just came to our attention. Please take the appropriate action.
Boy Scouts of America Changes Its Historic Name to “Scouting America”
By Alyssa Sonnenburg   |   05.20.24
On February 8, 1910, Boy Scouts of America was officially established as an organization designed to challenge boys with age-appropriate programs, to learn valuable skills, and to encourage their sense of adventure. Robert S. S. Baden-Powell was one of the Founders of Boy Scouts of America and his biography gives insight into the creation of this organized group:
Protecting the Unborn Overseas
By Ecce Verum   |   05.18.24
Once Dobbs came down, abortion became much more of a state debate than ever before. But there are still battles to be won in the nation's highest legislature. While Congress may be far from passing a national measure to completely protect the unborn, the pro-life movement still has warriors in D.C. who are pushing for justice in incremental steps.
How Swiftly We Fall
I recently heard a Dua Lipa pop song. (You know this artist, right?) Looked up the lyrics. Wasn’t sure if what I heard was right. It was. Third line is: “G…dammit.” Seriously.  Surprised? Don’t be. 
Confirmation that the World Has Lost Its Mind
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   05.15.24
While my assistant drove me home from the airport Sunday night, I scanned some headlines on the Breitbart website, reading them aloud. If you needed confirmation that the world has lost its mind, if there was there in plain sight.
Only God Should Play God, Part 3
By Ecce Verum   |   05.14.24
In our last piece, we continued our series on the troubling moral consequences of various forms of artificial reproduction technology. From the death of hordes of innocent human embryos to the violation of the sacred marriage commitment, the picture doesn't look pretty when man tries to play God. But we're not done yet. Let's look at a couple more implications of this vicious technological trend.
Please Take Action on These Bills
By Kathy Valente   |   05.13.24
This week there will be lots of  rigorous floor debating, long speeches, and many specific questions. Please email your elected officials on these bills.
Governor Sanders Rejects Biden’s Title IX Changes
By Alyssa Sonnenburg   |   05.13.24
A recent One America News article reported that a male athlete who goes by Sadie Schreiner “took first place in three women’s events at the Division III Liberty League championship meet.”
Happy Tradwives and Mother’s Day  
We have become a society of neologisms. But you likely know that. Even if you don’t know what the word means. Webster explains this is a noun used to describe “a new word, usage, or expression.” A few examples include beatnik, cyberspace, and workaholic.
Battle for the Church
By Thomas Hampson   |   05.09.24
Last week the United Methodist Church (UMC) caved to the LGBTQ agenda. For several years, the UMC has pushed back against progressive efforts to embrace same-sex marriage, the ordination of LBGTQ pastors, and the full inclusion of those who identify as LGBTQ into all church ministries and activities.
Will The Real Church Please Stand Up!
By Brandon Myers   |   05.09.24
 “How Should We Then Live?” is the question the late influential Christian apologist and author Francis Schaeffer set out to address and answer.  
IFI Featured Video
Dr Stephen Smart on pro suicide legislation. State Lawmakers are Considering The End-of-life Options Act. This Legislation Puts Your Life at Risk. Please Watch This Video and Call Your State Lawmakers. Tell Them to Vote no on the “End-of-life Options Act” For Lawmaker Names And Phone-numbers go to Officials Finder
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