Abortion Cheerleaders to Welcome Out-of-State Abortion Practitioners
By David E. Smith   |   04.01.22
Illinois House Democrats rallied around HB 1464 late yesterday, a bill which will ensure “health care” providers are welcomed here in Illinois after they’ve been punished by other states’ laws protecting the lives of innocent pre-born humans. The bill’s sponsor,...
Regarding the Sale of Abortifacients in College Vending Machines
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   03.21.22
Most Americans, when correctly informed regarding abortion, oppose it.  It has only been through deception that the abortion lobby has been able to keep abortion legal, but the tide is turning as technology has opened the womb before our eyes.  However, the proponents of abortion miss no opportunity to increase the number of victims and thus we are today faced with the Illinois Democrat led House attempting to hound the unborn to death even into the private spaces of state colleges and universities.  They are seeking to place abortifacients in a convient place o cthe campus, making these drugs of death nearly ubiquitous to young college women.  The hatred of the Left for unborn children appears pathological.
The Left Targets Children With Down Syndrome
By   |   03.17.22
The leftist assault on life is unbridled. In 1992 then-President Bill Clinton said that abortion should be “safe, legal, and rare.” This idea was repeated in 2008 by Hillary Clinton. Since the early days of legalized abortion, the left has assured Americans and the rest of the world that abortion was only suited for extreme cases and rarely implemented. However, in recent years the left has started to change its rhetoric.
A Thousand Words
By Lynn Bowman Tabb   |   03.15.22
The truth of the adage “a picture is worth a thousand words” is one we have all experienced firsthand. While we may chat with a friend about the stunning sunset we witnessed last night or warmly remark on the smirk our child or grandchild makes which melts our heart, we are often left feeling like we aren’t quite communicating the impact of the experience. However, when we fumble for our phone, search for our photos app, and pull up the picture of the sunset or smirk, we often find, as we knowingly display the photo for our friend to see, that they are able to respond with a heartfelt “ah!” The picture, able to do what our attempt with words failed to do, speaks volumes.
Effect of Abortion in the Black Community
In just a few short months, the U.S. Supreme Court will be handing down their decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, determining the constitutionality of a 2018 Mississippi law prohibiting women from accessing abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. This case is expected to determine the fate of Roe v. Wade, the infamous 1973 U.S. Supreme Court ruling preventing states from unduly restricting abortions before the point of viability.
Quashing States’ Rights Gets Quashed!
By Lynn Bowman Tabb   |   03.03.22
Have you heard? Abortion cheerleaders were at it again! Earlier this week they attempted to overturn state legislative abortion restrictions. Their weapon? The so-called "Women’s Health Protection Act" (H.R. 3755) - led by U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and U.S. Representative Judy Chu (D-CA). The proposal passed the U.S. House by a vote of 218-211 on September 24, 2021. It was taken up by the U.S. Senate on Monday, February 28, 2022 where cloture was opposed by all Republicans and one Democrat: U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV). The motion failed by a vote of 46-48.
Vending Machine Emergency Contraceptives on College Campuses
By   |   02.21.22
College can be one of the most exciting times in a young person's life. They are leaving home, often for the first time, and venturing off to learn who they might become as adults. It is also a frightening time for both the students and their parents as these young adults test their independence. It is not uncommon to hear about students from loving Christian homes that find themselves in a predicament because they were unprepared to deal with the peer pressures of alcohol, drugs, or sex on the college campus. Despite these students' stress, the Illinois General Assembly would like to make matters worse by mandating that all public college campuses offer emergency contraception in vending machines.
Abortion Is a Spiritual Battle
By Dr. Jerry Newcombe   |   02.07.22
I write this shortly after the 49th anniversary of Roe v. Wade (and its companion decision, Doe v. Bolton) of January 22, 1973, that gave us abortion on demand. And here we are 63 million abortions later. That’s nothing to celebrate—but much to mourn.
Pro-Life Men Make a Difference and That’s Why the Abortion Industry Hates Them
A recent study from Care Net and Lifeway Research found that nearly 4 in 10 men whose partners have had an abortion said that, of the people their partners spoke to before having an abortion, they had the most influence on her decision. This is consistent with past research from Care Net finding that the same percentage of post-abortive women said that their baby’s father was the most influential in their decision to abort.
A New Eugenics
In the 1880s, Sir Francis Galton coined a new term, “eugenics.” A look at the history is shocking and horrifying because of the speed with which the ideas gained widespread support. In less than 30 years, major philanthropic organizations like the Carnegie Institute and the Rockefeller Foundation were funding the movement, states were passing forced sterilization laws, and state fairs were hosting “better baby” competitions. Even groups like the NAACP were eventually engaged in these activities. Read through the history of eugenics in America, and it seems like just about everyone was buying in.
Illinois’ Pro-Human Slaughter Devotees Help Out-of-State Abortion Seekers
By Laurie Higgins   |   01.28.22
It’s hard to fathom that for some people, facilitating human slaughter is the animating purpose of their lives. For some, ensuring that women are legally free to slaughter their own offspring is what gives their lives meaning. And unfortunately, many of them live in Illinois, thereby ensuring that the Illinois swamp is filled with not just fetid excrement coming from Springfield and the governor’s mansion but also with the blood of human fetuses.
Getting Real About Reproduction
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   01.19.22
This may be more than you want to know, but you were a zygote once, a single celled human being that over time developed into who you are today.  This is simply an indisputable fact.  From every perspective the process is nothing less than miraculous, and with all the potential for problems along the way it is amazing that any of us made it through the nine months in utero to birth!  But here we are, a testimony to the brilliance of our Creator, and His faithfulness.
Are Young People Too Apathetic About the Life Issue?
By   |   01.18.22
Over Christmas break, I was hanging out with some friends and as we were playing some games in their basement, the topic of abortion was brought up. I stated my belief that all abortions are wrong. I did not think much of saying this as I assumed that they would at least somewhat agree with me. But shockingly, I was wrong. The two friends that were with me have been my friends since a very young age, and I know that they grew up in staunchly conservative families, yet they still were surprisingly of the pro-choice mindset. The disturbing thing is that they agreed abortion was murder and that it takes the life of an innocent child.
The Dangers of Chemical Abortions
By   |   01.17.22
Alarm bells are ringing on the plans pro-abortion advocates are creating for the country if Roe v Wade is overturned. Fearing that medical abortions will be restricted or even eliminated in some states, Planned Parenthood and other abortion advocates have changed gears to push for more chemical abortions – what supporters call “self-managed abortions.” Planned Parenthood has even advocated mailing the necessary drugs to women without a medical professional ever seeing the patient in person. The dangers of these drugs and this plan are staggering.
Ota Benga and Abortion
By Calvin Lindstrom   |   01.11.22
Why was a man named Ota Benga put in a display with an orangutan at the Bronx Zoo in 1906? What does this perverse act, part of our nation’s history, have to do with abortion? While the treatment of Benga...
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