Worldview Conference: Apostles of Wokeism or Disciples of Jesus Christ?
By David E. Smith   |   02.01.22
Please join the Illinois Family Institute for our annual Worldview Conference on February 26th at Village Church of Barrington. UPDATED: This year we are featuring a distinguished group of speakers who will expound on the lies and fearmongering that is sweeping throughout the world, including Dr. Everett Piper and Dr. Rob Rienow.
Two Important Updates From IFI!
By David E. Smith   |   12.31.21
Did you know? The IRS will allow taxpayers to claim both the standard deduction and a limited deduction for donations to qualified charities for the 2021 tax year.
2021 Matching Challenge Update
By David E. Smith   |   12.29.21
Dear Friends, We’re almost there! Many of you have given sacrificially, and through December 31st these donations will be doubled up to $150,000 through the generosity of amazing supporters who agree with the work being done at IFI. I can’t...
Four Days Left to Meet Our Challenge Match!
By David E. Smith   |   12.27.21
Thanks to your generous contributions we have raised a little more than 75 percent for our End of Year Matching Challenge Campaign. We have until the stroke of midnight on Dec. 31st to raise the remaining 25 percent to reach our goal!
The JOY of Christmas
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   12.24.21
What is the joy of Christmas? I expect we are all familiar with the biblical account of the angel's announcement to the shepherds, "Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy. . . " But have we forgotten what those tidings were?
10 Day Count Down! More Than Halfway There…
I am excited to share some good news with you about the $150,000 matching challenge we wrote about two weeks ago: The response to this challenge has been encouraging, and we are making good progress toward meeting the goal before...
Double Your Donations to IFI in December!
By David E. Smith   |   12.16.21
For almost three decades now, IFI has stood alone in boldly defending faith and family in the Land of Lincoln. The world of local conservative politics—political pundits, consultants, establishment members, and activists for other causes—constantly tell us that what matters most are fiscal issues. IFI is the only voice boldly upholding the truth in the public square that what matters most in public policy are the sanctity of life, the traditional family, and religious liberty.
2021 End-of-Year Matching Challenge
By David E. Smith   |   12.06.21
We are pleased to announce the 2021 end-of-year matching challenge! In an effort to help us raise $300,000 by the end of this month, a number of generous donors have offered to match donations to IFI all the way up to $150,000! So between now and the end of the year, you can double the impact of your giving!
Our Annual Banquet Is Next Friday!
By David E. Smith   |   10.19.21
The Illinois Family Institute Faith, Family, and Freedom Fall Banquet will take place in less than two weeks, and we can hardly wait to welcome our special guest, Rev. Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer!
IFI Offers Email Opt Out of Sensitive Content
Dear Pro-Family Friends, As you know, IFI sometimes sends out articles that contain explicit information. We do not do this casually or thoughtlessly, and we always include a warning. We send out such material in order to alert our subscribers...
Pastor Erwin Lutzer Dinner Tickets Going Fast!
By David E. Smith   |   10.07.21
IFI’s Annual Banquet is getting closer! This year we are hosting our special fall event at the Carlisle in Lombard on October 29th, and we still have ad space, sponsorships, table hosts, and individual seats available. We are very pleased...
Success! We Did It!
After all the mail was opened after the Labor Day Weekend, I am excited to report that we met our summertime matching challenge! The full $80,000 match has been reached and will be added specifically to our ongoing work to educate, encourage and exhort church leaders, parents and grandparents about exiting the government schools.
2021 Fall Banquet Early Bird Special Expires Soon!
By David E. Smith   |   09.01.21
Illinois Family Institute is pleased to welcome Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer to our Fall Banquet as keynote speaker to share his wisdom, faith, and biblical and cultural insights, much of which he has written about in his two most recent...
UPDATE: Summertime Matching Challenge
By David E. Smith   |   08.09.21
We want to thank you for your response to our summertime matching challenge, which was offered to help fund our "Rescuing Our Children" initiative. This Matching Challenge was launched in mid-July and will end on Labor Day, and we are happy to report  that we have raised just over 50 percent of our goal so far.
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The Tragic Consequences Legal Assisted Suicide
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