Major Brands Sponsored ‘gay’ Parties, Lewd Parade
Written by Charlie Butts America’s largest retailer was among the corporate sponsors of recent homosexual “pride” events in New York City, including all-night parties and a vulgar parade down Fifth Avenue. Activities the corporations sponsored last month included a “burlesque...
Girl Scouts, Faux-Courage, and Leonard Pitts
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.08.15
Leonard Pitts is out in orbit —I mean, over the moon—over the CEO of the Girl Scouts of Western Washington’s refusal of a $100,000 donation to the Girl Scouts that stipulated the money could not be used to support “transgender...
Anti-Marriage Deceivers and Fools
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.07.15
If I had a nickel for every time a liberal said it’s a slippery slope fallacy to claim that the legalization of homoerotic marriage would necessarily result in the legal recognition of plural unions, I would be a very rich...
Disorder in the Court
Last week was not a particularly good one for jurisprudence, integrity, marriage, morality, common sense and even the United States’ viability as a nation. Two court cases undermined traditional notions of morality and marriage, respectively, and enshrined in law...
A Day of Mourning for the First Amendment
I would love to hear Melissa and Aaron Klein’s answer if some “LGBTQIAAP” activist or intrepid, “unbiased” journalist asked, “How would the legalization of gay marriage affect you?” Oh wait, no one can hear their answer because Oregon Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian has ordered them to “cease and desist” from publicly discussing how it’s affected them.
By   |   07.03.15
Hold on. Courage, Matt, courage. Breathe. OK, I’m ready. This is it. I’m coming out. I want the world to know. I’m a black, lesbian platypus trapped in a white, straight guy’s body. This is my truth. It’s my experience....
Walmart, Comcast Celebrate Gay Pride
"Homo is Healthy” was one of the signs on the official gay pride website for the big march celebrating the Supreme Court’s ruling on same-sex marriage on Sunday, June 28, in New York City.
In Our Steps
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   07.02.15
The speed with which same-sex “marriage” has been both accepted and then promoted in American culture has surprised even its proponents.  It shouldn’t have surprised us at all.  Rather, when we consider the weakness of the churches’ spiritual backbone it...
Written by Diane Medved President Barack Obama was so romantic when commenting on the U.S. Supreme Court 5-4 ruling that same-sex marriage be permitted nationally.  “Love is Love,” he declared, in a puzzling statement of the obvious. Yes, love is...
Dr. Lutzer:  A Time for Tears
The decision of the U.S. Supreme Court to legalize same-sex marriage in all fifty states is not only a direct violation of Scripture, but is contrary to natural law. This decision will accelerate the disintegration of the family, the sexual confusion of our children, and our continuing descent into moral bankruptcy.
Don’t Lose Heart!
By David E. Smith   |   06.27.15
A poem by Rev. Maltbie Davenport Babcock (1858-1901), best known as the author of the hymn “This is My Father’s World,” expresses how I believe Christians must approach the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to redefine marriage. The words of his...
Jenner, Dolezal, and Teenager Caden Boone
By Laurie Higgins   |   06.18.15
Through their foolishness, selfishness, and arrogance, “progressives” are responsible for the harm being done to children, teens, the family, the church, the First Amendment, and what’s left of American culture. Through our ignorance, selfishness, cowardice, and passivity (if not apathy),...
JONAH Trial: Expert Witness for SPLC Concedes Sexual Orientation is Fluid and Can Change
Written by Christopher Doyle This Monday marked the second full week of testimony in the “Trial of the Century”, pitting Jews Offering New Alternatives for Healing (JONAH), a small, New Jersey-based Jewish non-profit organization, against the $340 million dollar Southern...
You Will Be Assimilated
You may recall Brendan Eich. The cofounder and CEO of Mozilla was dismissed from his company in 2014 when it was discovered that, six years earlier, he had donated $1,000 to California’s Proposition 8 campaign. That ballot initiative, limiting marriage to one man and one woman, passed with a larger percentage of the vote in California than Barack Obama received nationally in 2012.
Trans-Gendered, Trans-Raced, Trans-Abled, Trans-Aged, Trans-Specied Solipsists
By Laurie Higgins   |   06.12.15
Once more for the hard of hearing or weak of understanding: The athlete formerly known as Bruce is not now nor ever can be a woman. Further, it is the apex of cruelty and ignorance to pretend along with him...
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