2nd Vote’s Research Uncovers “Big Businesses Behind the Houston Ballot Measure”
By 2nd Vote Again, the City of Houston is at the center of the liberal assault on religious liberty and traditional values. Today, Houstonians head to the ballot box to vote on Proposition 1, also known as the Houston Equal...
District 211 Children: Chum for Feds
By Laurie Higgins   |   11.04.15
Thousands of parents in District 211, the largest high school district in Illinois, should be outraged. And anyone who rightly fears the ravenous appetite of the slavering dumb beast we call the federal government should be equally outraged. The beast’s...
Popular Girls Magazine Features Two ‘Dads’
A pro-family organization says it was surprised to learn that "American Girl Magazine" has decided to step into the culture war in favor of homosexuality. A pro-family organization says it was surprised to learn that "American Girl Magazine" has decided to step into the culture war in favor of homosexuality. "American Girl," owned by toy manufacturer Mattel, featured a picture of a family with two dads in an article about adoption.
Why Family Matters, And Why Traditional Families Are Still Best
It’s been a good month for champions of the traditional family, but don’t expect the family wars to be ending any time soon. In recent weeks, a barrage of new evidence has come to light demonstrating what was once common sense. “Family structure matters” (in the words of my American Enterprise Institute colleague Brad Wilcox, who is also the director of the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia).
How Marriage, Strong Families Contribute to Economic Growth
Is there a connection between strong families and a thriving economy? A new study, “Strong Families, Prosperous States,” takes a step toward answering the question. “Despite the clear economic gains associated with strong families at the individual level, economists across the ideological spectrum have failed to investigate whether strong families increase economic growth,” co-authors Brad Wilcox, Joseph Price, and Robert Lerman write in the report from the American Enterprise Institute and the Institute for Family Studies.
AFA Identifies Corporations’ Stances on Religious Liberty
Indexes, ratings, and even awards pepper the culture when it comes to those who are open and welcoming to certain groups, populations, or facets of society. But now, American Family Association wants to make sure that the nation is informed about companies that honor religious liberty — and those that don’t.
Russell Moore: Churches That Don’t Speak Against Abortion Are Like 19th Century Congregations That Stayed Silent on Slavery
Christian ethicist Russell Moore has said that congregations too afraid of being political to speak out against acts of immorality, like abortion, are similar to churches in the 1800s that remained silent on the issue of slavery. As the featured speaker at the Institute on Religion and Democracy's fifth annual Diane Knippers memorial lecture, Moore, the president of the Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, criticized mainstream Christian congregations that have relaxed their teachings on key issues of sexual morality and other social issues in order to blend in with the "ambient culture" and appeal to today's society.
Intellectual Cowardice of Chicago Tribune Columnist
By Laurie Higgins   |   10.09.15
Rex Huppke demonstrated his usual glib condescension yesterday in his ridicule of a Tennessee county commissioner's odd proposed resolution. What is striking in Huppke's relentless efforts to mock anyone who believes marriage has an ontology central to which is sexual differentiation is that he studiously avoids engagement with the ideas expressed by the foremost scholars defending the historical understanding of the nature of marriage. Such avoidance smacks of intellectual dishonesty and cowardice.
The Facts About Pope’s Meeting With Kim Davis
By   |   10.07.15
Big news this week as “progressives” worldwide learned, to their utter shock and mournful consternation, that the pope is Catholic. Rumors are they will next examine wild bears, the woods and certain mysteries therein. On Wednesday the Vatican confirmed what...
Reflections on the Kim Davis Situation
Recently, someone asked for my thoughts on Kim Davis (in fact, at a baseball game I recently attended) and I really haven’t given it much thought – until now. Mahatma Gandhi once said, “There is a higher court than courts of justice and that is the court of conscience. It supersedes all other courts.” He was partly right.
Because of Christians, America Isn’t a Theocracy
The beginning of American law, the concepts of independence and freedom, is rooted in the belief that moral absolutes exist within a universal standard of justice independent from political rulers. The Judeo-Christian faith is not separate from but foundational to just and fair public policies that encourage human flourishing.
Army Kicking Out Green Beret For Protecting a Child Against Abuse
By Tim Wildmon   |   10.02.15
When a decorated soldier was told to turn a blind eye from intervening in the case of a child who was being repeatedly raped and beaten, he knew it was an order he had to refuse. Now, doing the right thing will cost him his career.
A Duty to Interpose
By   |   09.25.15
One of the things we must absolutely learn how to do better than we do is distinguish things that differ, especially things that look similar but which differ radically. We must learn to say, as Dorothy Sayers once famously said, distinguo. I distinguish.
Kim Davis, ‘Lawless’ in Kentucky
Until her release [last week], Kim Davis, the clerk of rural Rowan County, Kentucky, was confined to a jail cell because she refused to issue marriage licenses over her name to same-sex couples. She has been pilloried in the media for “lawlessness” and compared not to Martin Luther King Jr. for her civil disobedience but to Governor George Wallace of Alabama. Michael Keegen of the grossly misnamed People for the American Way called her actions an “abuse of power” and proposed instead that she should “find another line of work” — that is, resign her elected office — if she “can’t in good conscience fulfill [her] duties.”
Is Kim Davis Right to Refuse Marriage Licenses?
Written by Pastor John Piper I don’t know Kim Davis’s heart, so I can’t assess her motives. And I don’t know her theology. It is possible to do right actions for wrong reasons, and so be wrong in doing right....
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