Tag Archives: school

After School Satan Clubs – Has God Indeed Said?

Genesis 3 is part of the historical and foundation record of God’s Word. It is not a myth or fantastic story, but rather part of the amazing record God has given so that we might understand the world as it was first created as well as how that world has been spoiled by man’s sin and rebellion.
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There are 341,000 students in the Chicago Public Schools, divided among 638 schools—476 elementary schools and 162 high schools. According to the recent report by the Chicago Public Schools Office of Inspector General (OIG), there were 446 sexual misconduct allegations reported to the OIG during the calendar year 2023.
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Chicago May Soon Remove Police From Schools

At the beginning of January, the news began to buzz with the report of Chicago alderman Nicholas Sposato, who told journalists that the city's school system is looking into removing all police officers from high schools.
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The Transgender Trap, Part 2

In part one of this article,, we looked at a brief recently filed by 21 attorneys general from around the country. The attorneys general are urging the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to strike down a commonsense Idaho law that would keep boys out of girls' bathrooms, and among the brief’s signatories is Illinois' own Kwame Raoul. One sentence in the brief stood out in particular, as it compared "transgender" youth to their "cisgender counterparts."
Posted in Child Exploitation, Education, Faith, Federal, Marriage/Family/Culture, next gen, Sexuality | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on The Transgender Trap, Part 2

Pritzker and Cardona’s Band-Aid for an Educational Hemorrhage

Earlier this week, Governor Pritzker and U.S. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona visited an after-school program at Fairview Elementary School in Springfield. This was just one stop on Cardona’s five-state midwestern bus tour to promote the Biden Administration’s new “Raise the Bar: Lead the World” education agenda.
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