Tag Archives: physician-assisted suicide

Legalizing Assisted Suicide is Reprehensible

There is a terrible proposal in Springfield being shopped around right now behind closed doors – a bill to legalize assisted suicide in Illinois. Just days before the General Assembly adjourns, certain members are trying to rush a measure through so the Governor can sign it into law.  Even with their supermajority, far-left legislators know very well that if "We, the People" could actually see their bill, it would likely kill their chances to pass the bill. Hence, they are keeping the bill under wraps by secretly rounding up the votes for assisted suicide first and then unveiling the legislation for the rest of us to see right before an 11th-hour vote. This is Illinois.
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The Problems with Assisted Suicide

In an excerpt from a panel discussion, Ryan T. Anderson, PhD., author and the William E. Simon Senior Research Fellow in American Principles & Public Policy at The Heritage Foundation, discusses four arguments against physician-assisted suicide. A strong pro-life stance must encompass not only the value of life in the womb, but also the value of life at every point from birth to God-appointed death.
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No Suicide Discrimination!

When I was asked by my late daughter Marie’s best friend to join her on a family and friends fundraising walk for suicide prevention last Sunday, I hesitated.

I was in the process of reading yet another disturbing article about assisted suicide, this time a Journal of Clinical Psychiatry article titled “Working with Decisionally Capable Patients Who Are Determined to End Their Own Lives”  and I found it outrageous that the suicide prevention groups I know exclude potential physician-assisted suicide victims.

As a nurse, I have personally and professionally cared for many suicidal people over decades including some who were …

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You Don’t Want to be a Burden, Do You?

An April 13, 2018 USA Today op-ed titled “Make an End-of-life plan or Lose your Money and Choices in your Dying Days” begins with the statement “End-of-life care can bankrupt your family and rob you of choices. End the denial about dying. Make a plan in case you end up seriously ill and frail.” Ms. Bryant is very upfront about using the economic argument about aging and the enormous toll it can take financially and personally on the family as well as medical costs.
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Why Is a Young Generation Opting for Death Via Suicide?”

Life is so precious, and the right to life recognized as a “natural” or God-given right, so much so that it was codified in our Declaration of Independence.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Note that the “right to life” is given preeminence: without life no other right is necessary. And “unalienable” further emphasizes the untouchable nature of that right: mankind was gifted life by its Creator — the Lord …

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Six Things You Need to Know about Physician-Assisted Suicide

Is the real healthcare crisis not enough physician assisted suicide laws? Or is it the staggering and increasing number of people losing their battles with mental illness and committing suicide?
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Tenderness Leads To The Gas Chamber

“In the absence of faith, we govern by tenderness. And tenderness leads to the gas chamber,” said Flannery O’Connor. Her point was that sentimentality cannot restrain the darker forces in human nature. Which brings us to the Catholic bishops of eastern Canada.
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Neutrality Kills

In 1994, Oregon became the first state to pass a physician-assisted suicide law. This came after the Oregon Medical Association changed its position from opposition to neutrality. 21 years later and after multiple failed attempts, the California state legislature approved the latest physician-assisted suicide law after the California Medical Association changed its opposition to neutrality.
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