Tag Archives: marijuana

Daily Marijuana Use Is Outpacing Alcohol Consumption

In 2022, there were 17.7 million people in the United States who reported using marijuana either every day or nearly every day, which marks the first time in nearly three decades that daily marijuana use has surpassed daily alcohol use.
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Is Marijuana Really That Dangerous?

On January 1, 2020, the recreational use of marijuana for adults over the age of twenty-one officially became legal in the state of Illinois. Proponents of the recreational use of marijuana are in the majority in America. In fact, a March 2024 Pew Research Center report polled U.S. adults for their opinions on the legalization of marijuana with these results:
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Capping THC Levels in Pot

A bi-partisan group of State Representatives recently filed HR 700 at the Capitol in Springfield. This resolution calls for a cap on THC levels in retail marijuana. We are working the Illinois House members in hopes that we can better educate them on the consequences of high potency marijuana in our state.
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Gaslighting, Smoke, Mirrors, & Money

Some Illinois lawmakers recently joined the licensed cannabis industry in calling for a ban on Delta-8 hemp products. This partnership has been a match made in heaven for the industry since Illinois lawmakers did their bidding by legalizing high-potency marijuana for recreational use.

And if you’re paying attention to the numerous, pro-drug bills still being filed (see below), you’ll conclude that these legislators are still in cannabis companies’ back pockets.

Hemp is the cousin of marijuana. It is used in food products, natural remedies, fabric, rope, and more. Hemp-derived CBD products are also sold widely.

You might have heard that …

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What Has Legal Weed Brought Us? And The Answer Is Chinese Cartels!

There has been a significant increase in illegal Chinese marijuana farms across our nation in the states that have legalized recreational marijuana. Fox News recently reported on illegal growers in California, Oregon, New Mexico, Washington, and Maine, saying, “Chinese Nationals are taking over the illegal pot business.” 
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The Public Is Being Primed To Feel Groovy About Psychedelic Drugs

Right now, there is a concerted effort to change the American public’s attitude towards psychedelic drugs. Turn on Netflix, Hulu, or other streaming services, and you’re likely to find shows and documentaries on the usefulness of drugs like LSD (acid), DMT (spirit molecule), MDMA (ecstasy or mollies), and psilocybin (magic mushrooms). These shows are the first public signs that we are being primed to accept the recreational and “prescription” use of psychedelics to solve both our mental and spiritual ills.
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Kids Are Being Hospitalized for Consuming Hemp Products: Congress Should Make It Illegal

If you live in one of the 37 states where marijuana has been legalized, you have likely seen the number of cannabis shops in your area multiply quickly. Even small, rural towns contain three to five shops. We see billboards that warn drivers not to “drive high” — assuming that a lot of residents are high. (This is a much different message than what the Reagan administration taught kids: “Just say no” to drugs.)
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Oppose Federal Marijuana Legalization

A growing body of evidence proves that marijuana deeply harms individuals and society. Yet 37 states, including Illinois, have legalized it, and more states are working towards decriminalizing its use. Not surprisingly, heavily-funded Big Tobacco, Big Alcohol, and Big Pharma lobbyists in Washington, D.C. continue to work towards legalizing marijuana at the national level. We need your help to fight this national effort!
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Frequent Marijuana Use Linked to Mental Illness

A recent study from Denmark adds to concerns about the impact of marijuana upon users’ mental health. According to a Wall Street Journal op-ed by psychologist Susan Pinker, a mammoth study of the health records of all 6.5 million Danes over a 26-year period showed a strong correlation between cannabis (marijuana) use disorder and various mental health diagnoses.
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Pot Use Rises Among Children

Gov. JB Pritzker continues to make sure Illinois has more than its share of pot dispensaries. And as Illinois Family Institute warned repeatedly that what was happening in Colorado would also happen here, there are consequences. Dire consequences.

Marijuana use among adolescents has now surpassed alcohol use. A 20-year study shows a 245 percent increase in marijuana use by children aged 6-18 since 2000, while alcohol use has steadily declined.
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The Numb of Unbelief

Marijuana and alcohol abuse are at record highs, reports the federal Center for Disease Control (CDC).

The substance abuse trend skyrocketed during the pandemic, and the hike only continues. By the end of 2022, the marijuana industry’s expected worth is $32 billion, and its popularity increases.
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Biden’s Marijuana Pardon Will Drive Crime Higher

If President Biden had really wanted to do something about the problems facing our cities and states—rising crime, addiction and overdose deaths—he might have done something to prevent illegal drug use. Instead, he chose to minimize the dangers of drug use by granting pardons for criminals convicted of marijuana possession under federal law. In so doing, Mr. Biden has sent the country the wrong signal at the wrong time.
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Springfield Goes to Pot, Again and Again

It appears that state lawmakers have decided to go for broke. Much of what's below was included in the original language of the "recreational" marijuana bill, but was removed to gather the votes needed to pass the bill, with the intention of adding it at a later time. They are intent on making a bad situation even worse.
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File Witness Slip to Oppose Marijuana “Home Grows”

Two years after legalizing “recreational” marijuana, some foolish lawmakers are sprinting ahead with legislation to allow for Illinoisans 21 and older to grow up to 5 marijuana plants in their home. The bill number is HB 4799 and is sponsored by Carol Ammons (D-Urbana), Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago), Kambium Buckner (D-Chicago) and Aaron Ortiz (D-Chicago).

There is ample evidence to demonstrate that home grows are a recipe for disaster. The state of Colorado, which legalized pot in 2012, is a prime example of bad marijuana policy. We often use Colorado as our reference point because they have the best data …

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Give ‘Em an Inch and They’ll Take a Mile

You know the saying that is often meant for children, “Give ‘em an inch and they’ll take a mile.” Well, it also applies to liberal ‘big government’ activists and power-hungry lawmakers.
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