Tag Archives: Kevin Spacey
‘Elite’ Pedophiles Panicking after Jeffrey Epstein Arrest
Billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein socialized with the rich and powerful, harboring a sordid hidden life that came to light in 2008, landing him in prison for the solicitation of underage girls for sex. Epstein was infamous for his private Boeing 727 airliner nicknamed the “Lolita Express,” which ferried guests including Bill Clinton and a bevy of young girls allegedly pressed into prostitution at his Caribbean estate dubbed “Orgy Island.”
Posted in Sexuality
Tagged Bill Clinton, Chris Tucker, Courtney Wild, Donald Trump, Jeffrey Epstein, Jonathan Turley, Julie K. Brown, Kevin Spacey, Larry Summers, Lolita Express, Naomi Campbell, Orgy Island, Sandy Berger
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The Law of the Harvest: America Sows Free Love and Reaps Heartbreak
America was founded as a beacon of light, a refuge to those who only wanted to worship the God of the Bible as they saw fit. Our founding documents, the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution, were infused with biblical precepts and a presumption of a Creator and His transcendent Truth.
For over 200 years this experiment in liberty flourished, lighting the world with the light of Truth and Righteousness.
At times during our nation’s history, Americans en masse veered toward the broad path to destruction. And at every departure from upright and moral living, a preacher or …
Posted in Pornography, Sexuality
Tagged Alfred Kinsey, Cosmopolitan, Harvey Weinstein, Helen Gurley Brown, Hugh Hefner, Judith Reisman, Kevin Spacey, Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood, Playboy, Timothy Leary
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