Tag Archives: Illinois

Attention Parents: Illinois Has Horrible Proficiency Rates

A devasting new report from researchers at Wirepoints, a nonpartisan, Illinois-based research and news organization, reveals that Illinois is failing its children and their families. Students are failing math on a widescale level. A mere 27% of Illinois students are able to solve math problems at their grade level. An astonishing 1.4 million children are not proficient in math.
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Progressives in Illinois Threaten Parental Authority Again

No one knows for sure who first said the phrase, “If your only tool is a hammer, then every problem looks like a nail.” Whether it was Mark Twain, Abraham Maslow, or someone else, it perfectly describes Illinois Democrats’ latest push to usurp control over our state’s kids.
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Family Planning Services for the Preteen

A bill currently under consideration in the Illinois General Assembly would allow children 12 and up to apply for Medicaid to pay for “family planning” services. Specifically, HB 5473 states: “Notwithstanding any other provision of this paragraph (2), a minor who is 12 years of age or older may sign and file an application of the minor’s own behalf if such application is for the Article V family planning program enacted by Public Act 102-665 amending Section 5-5 of this Code.”
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Here Come Da Judge!

The seemingly never ending efforts to keep Donald Trump from regaining a return to his temporary residence at the White House got personal in Illiinois this week. The Chicago Tribune alerted us that Cook County Judge Judge Tracie Porter has ruled that the former president should have his name struck from the March 19 Illinois Republican primary ballot.
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Abortion Priorities

Despite having eliminated all legal restrictions on abortion in Illinois, we have good reasons to believe that Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion organizations are planning to pass an abortion amendment to the Illinois Constitution over the next several months in Springfield. If they do, this amendment would then come before Illinois voters for approval on Election Day this November.
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“Illinois is Failing Children of Color?”

A recent news story by Chicago’s WGN9 is titled “Illinois is Failing Children of Color.” It examines  “Race for Results” –a report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation which found that children of color face several “inequities” in Illinois.
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Local Focus

Why are local elections so uninteresting to voters? Local elections in Illinois generally draw about 16% of registered voters. This is compared to the average turnout over the last 20 years for presidential elections in Illinois of 63% and the average turnout in the off-year elections of 44%.
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Are We Good for Nothing?

Given the moral and fiscal bankruptcy of our state and so much of our nation, we might ask, “Are we as conservative Christians in Illinois good for nothing?” It may feel that no matter what we do, our witness and work bear no fruit. But it does not need to be that way.
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Immigration Tsunami Swallows Illinois, “Refugee Tent Cities” Planned

The massive wave of illegal immigration coming across the U.S.-Mexico border is hitting Illinois and Chicago particularly hard, with authorities considering a plan to erect giant “refugee” tent cities to handle the influx. More than 1,500 migrants are currently staying in police stations across Chicago and ten times that many are spread across 16 shelters operated by the city.
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California Dreaming?

Is it possible that our legislators are trying their best to make Illinois the California of the Midwest, without the mountains or beautiful weather? Our Governors, most certainly, are competing. Both have wildly inflated egos, both ignored their own directives during the height of the pandemic, and both have designs on the White House.
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Another K-12 School Indoctrination Bill Coming Through the Illinois Sewage Pipeline

Illinois Democrats are hell-bent on passing a new law—the REACH Act —that will require every school-age child in Illinois government schools to be introduced to homosexuality and cross-sex impersonation through mandatory “comprehensive sex ed.” To be clear, that’s every child from kindergarten on up and in every school year. That’s in addition to the all the other pro-“LGBTQ” stuff in which leftists are drowning children...
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Leftist Lawmakers and Activists Call for Cancellation of All History Classes

Before you read this, you might want to have a fire extinguisher at the ready, because this news just may light your hair on fire. State Representative La Shawn K. Ford (D-Chicago) held a press conference on Sunday in which he called for all Illinois schools to cease teaching history because he’s “Concerned that current school history teaching leads to white privilege and a racist society.” In a press release titled in part “Call for the Abolishment of History Classes in Illinois Schools,” Ford proclaimed from his high horse,...
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A Call to Pray for Illinois

Please join us at the Illinois capital to pray for wisdom for our leaders, God’s mercy for our state and another Great Awakening.

The time to pray is now. Please join us!

Click here to view event flyer

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Illinois Elementary School Defies Pro-Homosexual Political Correctness

There’s a remarkable news story coming out of Erie, Illinois. A wise and courageous school board has voted to remove a homosexuality-affirming picture book titled The Family Book from its elementary school library. Further, it has voted to remove all materials created by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), a partisan advocacy group committed to using public schools, including elementary schools, to advance their moral, political, and ontological beliefs. 

The Family Book was written by homosexual author Todd Parr and recommended by GLSEN. The “Alternatives to Marriage Project” highly recommends The Family Book for managing “both to naturalize …

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Real Intellectual Diversity in Public High Schools

In a May 28, 2011 Wall Street Journal article, Bari Weiss said this about David Mamet, one of America’s foremost contemporary playwrights, who in the last few years has experienced a conversion to political conservatism of sorts.

Before he moved to California, Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright David Mamet had never talked to a self-described conservative.

Mamet said, “I realized I lived in this bubble.”

Weiss also reported that one of the basic truths Mamet realized is that “Real diversity is intellectual.”

Both the image of a person who has never talked to a conservative and the notion that real diversity …

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