Tag Archives: Eric Holder
What Have Liberals Got to Hide?
How Verizon Aids Sex Trafficking
In 1865, following the most costly war in America’s history, the 13th Amendment abolished the odious institution of slavery in the United States.
Why, then, is telecommunications giant Verizon providing an outlet for the products of the modern-day slavery of sex trafficking? The short answer is that it’s good for the bottom line.
Speaking of the bottom, that’s where you find libertine societies where the only considerations are whether something makes money or involves adult consent. Stripped of moral restraints, the marketplace eventually serves up child-themed pornography and sexually violent content.
Each year, Morality in Media, an anti-pornography group headed …
Mall Shooter was a Pothead
The “sweet” young man who killed two people, and then himself, in a Maryland shopping mall on January 25 was a pothead.
But the police revelation that the killer mentions “using marijuana” in a diary has been played down by the media, which in recent months have seemed almost ecstatic about the legalization of the drug in Colorado. President Obama, a one-time heavy user, recently called the drug safer than alcohol.
The link between marijuana and mental illness, documented in the medical literature, is not a popular subject for journalists who themselves may use pot and be reluctant to …