Tag Archives: children

Remove SEL Programs From The Schools!

In 2021 the Illinois government refreshed the The Illinois Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leading Standards. These mandate that teachers become experts in “social emotional learning” (SEL). School districts have enthusiasm to implement SEL across their schools, and we soon expect to see students graduate from SEL programs. But what sort of young adults will these former students be? Because of what SEL actually teaches, expect a generation of angry agitators for socialism. The problem is that SEL has been changed to be centered around Marxist concepts...
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Mary Miller: Advocate for the Unborn

Children don’t exist in the mind of the radical Left...Every one of these is an example of forcing concepts, causes, and irreversible, life-altering decisions upon minds and bodies that are too young to correctly handle, process, or act on them. But since most of the Left believes children are simply miniature adults, this isn’t a problem for them. As a result of this tragic lie, in our nation, childhood gets shorter and shorter with every passing year, with innocence no longer considered a gift to be protected or a value worth upholding.
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Rapper Targets Target for Targeting Kids

Politicians and government officials have debated about LGBT issues for quite some time now. Decades in fact. Bathroom and locker-room laws, "don't-ask-don't-tell" in the armed services, and whether or not to apply anti-discrimination laws to sexual orientation have all flashed across the national stage at various points in time. The decisions politicians and judges have made in situations like these have had far-reaching consequences for our nation.
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Encouragement for Stressed-Out Fathers

Ask a man how he is doing and frequently the answer will come back, “Stressed!” Our lives are filled with all kinds of pressures that can easily produce anxiety. Fathers are especially vulnerable to anxiety and worry. Amy and I have been blessed with seven children, and one grandchild. The eldest two are married, and the next two are in college. I find the pre-college time, the high school “launch years” to be especially stressful.
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Visionary Parenting with Dr. Rob Reinow

Parenting is tough. Aside from having to keep little people (often with sizeable attitudes) alive, parents are also entrusted with the responsibility of training their child in the way he (or she) should go - so that they love the Lord and live it out. That last one is difficult and can easily fall by the wayside. So whether you’re a new parent who’s struggling, or a confident experienced parent, this sermon by Dr. Rob Reinow from Visionary Family Ministries is a must-see.
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Age Appropriate Doesn’t Mean Banned

Nothing opens your mind to new worlds and new possibilities better than a book. Stories can communicate ideas, themes, and lessons considerably better than a lecture does. Children love to act out the stories of their favorite characters, adopting their mannerisms and wishing to be them. You probably can think of a book that has impacted you deeply and maybe even encouraged you to change your behavior in some manner.
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The “Trans” Nightmares of Children We Don’t Want to Hear

Here are just two of the countless unbearable stories of sorrow and regret that the mainstream press doesn’t want to tell. Here are just two of the many nightmarish stories that “gender therapists,” cosmetic surgeons, urologists, endocrinologists, pharmaceutical companies, and vocal coaches who profit from the confusion of children don’t want you to hear. Here are the accounts of bone-deep anguish from young people who feel betrayed by adults who facilitated the chemical and surgical ravaging of their once whole and healthy bodies:...
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Our Failing Demographics

In an exhibition gallery, somewhere …

Welcome to our display of demographic failures! Here you will see amazing things, from both near and far. Behind this first curtain we have … Japan! It’s a nice place but the locals don’t seem to like it much. You see, their families aren’t having many children. As their birth rate is only at two-thirds of the needed replacement rate, experts see Japan’s population dropping by a third within 50 years.[i] Even now, parts of the Japanese countryside have been abandoned, left to return to the wild.[ii]

Moving to our second curtain …

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Answers to Chicago Tribune Columnist’s Question on Effects of Same-Sex Faux “Marriage”

In response to the passage of Illinois’ same-sex “marriage” law, Francis Cardinal George wrote a letter that appeared in church bulletins in which he said thatthere will be consequences for the Church and society that will become clearer as the law is used to sue for discrimination …It will contribute over the long run to the further dissolution of marriage and family life, which are the bedrock of any society.” 

Chicago Tribune columnist Eric Zorn wrote that he had “looked into this some and haven’t yet been able to identify the research or track records upon which this

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Same-Sex Parenting: a Form of Child Abuse

Robert Lopez is married, a father, and an English professor who was raised by two lesbians.  His is a critically important new voice in the battle raging around issues related to homosexuality, including the redefinition of marriage and the needs and rights of children.

In his most recent article, he offers several critical insights on children being raised by homosexuals. He states the unvarnished truth that raising children in deliberately motherless or fatherless homosexual families constitutes a form of child abuse. Exacerbating that abuse is the societal climate in which influential social structures have conspired to render it socially and …

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Captivated by Technology

The average child today spends 53 hours a week in front of a screen. Have you ever wondered if media and technology have enslaved our generation? Could the greatest leap in technological advancement also have become the biggest setback in keeping us from the things that matter most in life? Has the world of screens, phones and all that comes with them become a technical utopia or a virtual prison? Is social experience more significant or shallow? Is technology all of these things or none of them?

These are the questions a remarkable new documentary called Captivated asks. The …

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