Tag Archives: Barna

What Happened?

Two weeks ago, Governor Pritzker signed a bill, Public Act 103-0518, allowing any multiple-occupancy restroom to be identified as an all-gender multiple-occupancy restroom at the discretion of the building owner or leaseholder. Anyone of any “gender” could use it. Why was this law introduced, why did it pass?
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Study Finds ‘Church Hopping’ is Becoming More Common

In its new State of the Church 2020 study, the Barna Group has uncovered how Americans are maintaining their connections to churches while at the same time “renegotiating” what those connections look like in terms of today’s society.
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Recent Barna Survey Shows Majority of Americans Rely on Prayer to God

A survey conducted online between June 5-9, 2017 by the Barna group poll shows that many Americans still rely on prayer as a means to communicate with God. The study shows that prayer is the most common faith practice among adults with 79 percent of the population engaging in prayer at least once in the past three months. Here are some of the interesting things the study found...
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New Survey Shows We Are Approaching a Post-Christian America

A recent study by Barna reveals the truth about what the spiritual climate in America is currently like. The study was conducted over 7 years, ending in 2016, and focuses on the most post-Christian cities in the US. According to Barna, “To qualify as ‘post-Christian,’ individuals must meet nine or more of our 16 criteria… which identify a lack of Christian identity, belief and practice. These factors include whether individuals identify as atheist, have never made a commitment to Jesus, have not attended church in the last year or have not read the Bible in the last week.”


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Americans Wrongly Think Cohabitation Is Good

Marriage is a beautiful and sacred institution, created by God for procreation and as a picture of Christ and His Church.

Genesis 2:24 instructs, “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.”

And in Ephesians 5:31 we read, “For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.”

The formula for a lasting, loving marriage is also found in Ephesians 5:

22 Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you

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