Tag Archives: Anthony Fauci

Fauci Lied and People Died

Not to bring up a sore subject, but think back to April and May of 2020. Do you remember how you felt, watching the nation and the world react to an unknown menace, suddenly ordered to isolate in place and unsure when, if ever, things would go back to normal? That spring began a string of “unprecedented” events that continues even today, with possible consequences reaching into the future, if the WHO has its way.
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Up, Up, and Away (Without) Masks

Anyone tired of “masking up” to enter an airport or get on a flight? There may be an end in sight largely thanks to U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY).  Although the air travel mask mandate was set to end on March 18, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) extended the mandate until April 18. But the extension begs the question, “Will it really end then?” Now Paul and others have taken real action to end the mandates once and for all.
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Media Prefer Hating Trump to Helping America

The liberal media are urging Joe Biden to form a shadow government to upstage President Donald Trump's crisis response effort, which illustrates its consuming partisanship — and its insufficient attention to the health and welfare of the American people.
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Leftist Hostility to Pence, Prayer, and God

A meme circulating Facebook depicts a disconcerting dystopian scene: A man in a trench he cannot climb out of is warming himself before a fire; he has used the rungs of the ladder he could have used to climb out of the trench to build the fire. So, he has destroyed his own means of freedom for temporary comfort.
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