Stop the Porn Industry from Expanding
Stop the Porn Industry from Expanding
Written By David E. Smith   |   04.05.10
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers — also known as ICANN, (the governing board that controls the Internet) — is ONCE AGAIN considering establishing a red light district on the Internet through an .XXX domain for pornography. This matter has been considered twice before but stopped because of overwhelming opposition in this country and abroad. An .XXX domain will increase the amount of porn on the internet and make it more available to adults and children.

It is critical that you tell ICANN, “Do not create the .XXX domain.” We need to get an overwhelming number of comments to ICANN opposing this.

Take ACTION: Send an email to the ICANN Board of Directors.


IFI’s good friend, Patrick Trueman, who formerly served as the chief of the U.S. Department of Justice Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section, Criminal Division, Washington, D.C, has worked for the past 25 years to stop the widespread devastation that pornography is causing to children and adults. He is very concerned about the establishment of an .XXX domain and says it would increase the spread of pornography on the Internet and cause even more harm to children and families.

Moreover, Trueman says:

There is no evidence that the public wants or needs this domain. In fact, each time this idea has been proposed it has been overwhelmingly opposed by the public and governments throughout the world. There is also absolutely no evidence that any good would come of it. Instead it appears that the company proposing it is merely seeking enrichment at the expense of the public. Pornography addiction is skyrocketing among adult males and is even affecting many women and children in the same way. Countless marriages are breaking up because of pornography use and sexual promiscuity is more widespread than ever before because of pornography. Pornography is destroying lives and relationships and ICANN should not be using its authority to promote more of it.

The .XXX domain must be given final approval by ICANN before it can be established. You can weigh in by clicking HERE. IFI urges you to send your comments today but also to forward this alert to family, friends, church groups and others. We need to educate our neighbors about this false solution to the problem of Internet porn and get .XXX stopped.

David  E. Smith
Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4). David has 30 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes...
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