Written by Nance Hayes
The United States Postal Service recently announced the creation of the “Election and Government Mail Services.” This new division of the USPS was created to handle election mail issues “as part of an effort to ensure swift and secure delivery of ballots for the midterm election.”
The expansion of government and more government involvement in elections… What could possibly go wrong?
One only needs to reflect on a recent interview with J. Christian Adams, President of Public Interest Legal Foundation, to find the nucleus of the real problems related to vote-by-mail ballots in the 2020 election.
J. Christian Adams told Breitbart News Washington Political editor Matt Boyle that 15 million mail ballots were unaccounted for in the 2020 presidential election, saying,
The Election Assistance Commission, which is a federal agency … puts out a report every two years. … One of the things it has … is the number of mail ballots that were sent out, the number of mail ballots that came back, and the number of mail ballots that were straight-up rejected, meaning the election officials said there was a defect.
This is not data that we are speculating about. This is federal data, and that’s where we get the 15 million number. Fifteen million ballots were sent in the mail last year that never ever came back.
In 2020, Adams’s organization (PILF) found 350,000 deceased registrants and 40,000 duplicate registrants on American voter rolls.
Governor JB Pritzker recently signed a bill to ensure every voter be sent a “Permanent Vote-by-Mail” application. When filled out and sent back, the “Permanent Vote-by-Mail” application allows an Illinois resident to vote by mail for the rest of their lives, or until they leave that specific address.
Can you imagine? Where will some of those applications be sent? Will they be a part of the 1 million mail ballots that were returned “Undeliverable?” In other words, over 1 million mail ballots NEVER reached their destination or the intended voter never used them.
No worries, they say. We have a great system in place in Illinois for updating and coordinating all our data, ERIC (Electronic Registration Information Center). According to ERIC:
“Each member state receives reports that show voters who have moved within their state, voters who have moved out of state, voters who have died, duplicate registrations in the same state, and individuals who are potentially eligible to vote but are not yet registered.”
So, no problem! With ERIC in place, Illinois should be in great shape. Right?
Anyone involved in election integrity in Illinois knows our voter rolls are in disarray. That is why the Illinois Conservative Union joined forces with national organization, Judicial Watch, in 2020 to sue the State of Illinois and State Board of Elections for violations of the 1993 National Voter Registration Act, for refusing to turn over the voter rolls.
Transparency and clean voter rolls in Illinois? Are you really sure that exists? As Adams stated,
“The whole thing is a mess. It can’t be repeated again. And that’s the problem with mail balloting. We’re giving the idiots at the post office control over our government.”
Yes, the whole thing is a mess. Just look at what happened in our neighboring state of Wisconsin. In 2020, for instance, 1.4 million ballots were mailed to Wisconsin voters, which was 86% of the 1.6 million votes cast.
Of those 1.4 million mail ballots, 76,308 were classified as “unknown,” while 6,458 were classified as “undeliverable.” That means a total of 82,766 mail ballots were either “unknown” or “undeliverable,” a number that is 400%greater than Biden’s certified 20,682 margin of victory in Wisconsin over former President Donald Trump.
I’d say that’s a problem wouldn’t you? As Adams explains:
“There was random chance, chaos. All of these characteristics got cranked into the election last year because of mail balloting.”
[The 2020 election] was screwed up, I think, deliberately.” “This was a plan that was cooked up by Zuckerberg and Vanita Gupta, who’s now the associate attorney general, who was a radical left-wing organizer, and a whole bunch of union people.
Mail balloting was a plan that was cooked up. Soros money flowed into the Vote at Home foundation. There was all sorts of money that was moving to advocate for this corrupted system in February, March, April, May [2020]. And then, there was court litigation to force us into this corrupted system. It’s no accident that 15 million mistakes were made.
Amber McReynolds is the head of the National Vote at Home Institute, a group that was funded by George Soros that was central in pushing for mail balloting.
After the election, she was appointed to the United States Post Office Board of Governors. So now, she’s on the inside of the government to advocate this.
What can we do about vote-by-mail ballots to reduce the fraud?
1.) Request a vote by mail application (VBM). Click HERE. Follow the prompts to download a VBM application.
2.) Take your VBM ballot to an early voting location. Note: search under the county where you live for locations. But if you live in the cities of Aurora, Bloomington, Chicago, Danville, East St. Louis, Galesburg, Peoria, or Rockford, search under those cities.
3.) Surrender the VBM ballot. Ask the judge to write across the VBM ballot “SPOILED.” Then vote in person on a paper ballot that you can feed through the tabulator yourself.
According to our Friends at the Illinois Conservative Union and their Election Integrity Program, this is the best way to secure your vote.