PODCAST: Project Veritas’ Expose of PBS Attorney’s Dark Heart

Those who have worked closely with leftists or who have been exposed to their beliefs in other ways know what evil lurks in the hearts of many of them. Yet, it’s still shocking to hear them say it aloud. Thanks to Project Veritas, we now have a clearer picture of the evil that lurks at the heart of PBS and anywhere else leftists live and move and have their being.

In a must-see-to-believe undercover video, Michael Beller, “a contracts lawyer in PBS’ general counsel office,” describes aloud the sentiments and dreams of leftists. Don’t be deceived by his firing that he is the only leftist at PBS who holds these views. These are common views among leftists.

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Laurie's Chinwags
Laurie's Chinwags
PODCAST: Project Veritas' Expose of PBS Attorney's Dark Heart
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