PODCAST: Help Us Uphold What is Good and True in Illinois

Children are growing up in an America where adults celebrate the dismemberment of children in their mothers’ wombs.

They are growing up where cross-dressing adult men twerk in children’s departments of public libraries, where adults tell children that some women have penises, where adults allow cross-dressing men into locker rooms with young girls and women, where teachers assign pornographic books to minors, and where surgeons profit from cutting off the breasts off 13-year-old girls.

And children are living in cities made unlivable by leftist policies, including opening wide the border, which has facilitated the evil work of criminals who kill our children with fentanyl.

There was once a time when “liberals” wanted abortion to be rare. No more. Now they want it to be commonplace and available up until birth for any or no reason and paid for by American taxpayers who rightly view abortion as barbaric.

Today leftists claim they are passionately committed to the rule of law, even as they stop the construction of a border wall and reverse every policy that would secure our Southern border. In so doing, they reveal their callousness.

They don’t care about either the Americans who live on the border or the illegals who are raped and killed making their way into America, incentivized to do so by the president.

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Laurie's Chinwags
Laurie's Chinwags
PODCAST: Help Us Uphold What is Good and True in Illinois
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